
But is something that markets itself as entertainment and a clear work of fiction the same as something that is a work of fiction that tries to pose as reality. Viral videos by their very nature are hoax like. They're trying to convince you, at least for a period that what you seeing is real. We could argue that a

Ok, I know gawker has to make a buck so that I can come here and read for free and then bitch about it. But guys, does the giant skyline ship have to hover down every freaking time I come to one of your sites?

it's all good. I'm always nervous that the movies going to be terrible and then I own it. You're a braver person than me ;0)

I don't think this is meant to compete with you owning physical media. This is a rental service it's more competition to netflix, amazon on demand etc.... I like owning my movies. However I also like to watch a movie first as a rental before I spend the extra to own it.

Downloads do not equal use. How many of those users will continue to use IE9 after day one new browser novelty wears off? If those numbers are being butchered by the rest of the browser market it's really not a big number at all. I've downloaded many, many browsers to take them for a test drive, but most times I'll

But it doesn't even have magnets ;0)

Wait. So let me get this straight. The knock off... sorry, smart cover "inspired" version is more expensive than the actual apple branded smart cover? Oh happy day.

Saddly professionalism these days equals whoever is taking home the biggest pay check. My wife grew up in a very musical family, the kind of family where she was singing before she could walk (only a slight exaggeration.) Her dad has his doctorate in music, conducted Carnegy Hall and has trained the vocals of each of

80'S music had so much mass produced synthesized crap. I guess bad stuff can also be magical. Like getting turned into a newt.

My grandmother's gonna love this.

He's not saying there is a God though. He doesn't believe God exists, but is acknowledging that if he is wrong in his disbelief than he is wrong.

That what a very respectful non douchey explanation of your Atheism. Agree or disagree with you it doesn't matter because you didn't try to treat people with a religious background like less than human because they do not share your beliefs or non-beliefs. It's always refreshing to hear from an Atheist who is willing

I think that's exactly the problem People like you and me who don't get lost in games like Angry Birds are the exception not the rule anymore. I've got friends who whenever I turn around they're playing one of these simpler games. I can appreciate that they may not be gamers if it weren't for these games, but to me

Make it way cheaper, Make it glassesless/ glasses-free with a large viewing angle and the ability to shut it off and then maybe.... maybe this would be nice to have on occasion... but I agree, it still fits fully and sits firmly in gimmick land.

That sounds awesome. I'm going to pick one up and give it a try. Thanks!

I know right. The first time I saw that episode with the frightened turtle line I was drinking hot tea. My sinuses have never been the same. I refer to it as my old "Seinfeld" injury.

"Do women know about shrinkage?"

Joking aside I've always wanted to try one of those for making my espresso. How does it compare flavour wise to standard electric machines?


Try rooibos (pronounced ROY-BOSS. Meaning red bush.). Don't get the crap watered down version they sell in most stores in north america. If you have south african friends ask them where the nearest South African store is. You can usually get it in larger quantities and for cheaper than the north american labelled