
I think she’s trying to say that in our culture smaller people are immediately perceived as more vulnerable (both physically and emotionally) than larger people.

I think it’s important to highlight that this study was funded by the Kellogg Foundation.

It’s been severely gentrified in the past five years. Oakland is what San Francisco was 25 years ago.

I think in rare cases they do. Nina Simone, for instance. Don’t get me wrong, I love her work. She was a creative genius. She also was not easy to work with.

That’s...actually really good advice. I never knew how to respond to people who talk to me like this, but now I do. Thank you!

I’ve had friends who’ve had terrible emotional reactions to the pill, and read so many horror stories on forums over the years about women who get manically depressed on it. Doctors ignored it for months or years before suggesting a switch to a different pill. Please, I beg of you, go to your doctor and demand they

This whole idea that people shouldn’t talk about money keeps the 1% laughing all the way to the bank.

He was mentally disabled and in a new city where he didn’t know anyone and didn’t speak the language. What’s there to doubt?

Love both and am kicking myself for not thinking of being Margot earlier.


This is my favorite.

This is beautiful.

Whenever I bring the hammer down on situations like this, I’m always told that I’m too sensitive and can’t take a joke, so I guess they just can’t have fun with me anymore. The thing is this is always with guys who think EVERYTHING they say and do is funny. It will take seven or eight months of the same soul-crushing

I know I’m late to the game, but: “Surely you don’t expect us to be easier on you just because you’re a woman?”

What. the. actual. fuck? How is that a question you’re even allowed to ask a person in 2015 in a public work setting like the United States Congress?? Disgusting. I never watched the whole hearing because I’m

I fail to see why this is surprising to anyone. Let’s face it: If it comes between me and my cat, I’m letting my cat hang out on the floating boat wreckage while I’m left to die in the frigid Atlantic waters to the sounds of Celine Dion singing from the great beyond. Everyone agrees my cat has way more to contribute

“There would still be that part of me which saw that fetus as my baby that I was carrying, imagined what it might become, and knew absolutely that I’d end up loving this unchosen child of mine, if I wasn’t already there yet.”

Yes, exactly! Most of us are programmed to feel that way about our fetus. Some people don’t

So, what you’re saying is you’re not pro-choice either? Got it.

Holy crap. I live in SF too but apparently never read the news. When did this happen?!

I think the earlier seasons of SVU were more realistic/similar to the original Law & Order. Then they obviously changed as the years went on to rein in the uber-popular and horribly shite CSI/other lesser crime series’ crowds. Much to everyone’s dismay. But I will never stop being mesmerized by the bad ass that is

I feel like that’s actually really sweet. I don’t know, I’m tired and in a sentimental mood today, but I feel like it was definitely the right thing to do to give the ring to the girlfriend to let her know how much she meant to him.