Nigel Farage has said some more things. Like how he “won” “without a bullet being fired.” Conveniently forgetting the assasination of Jo Cox. Who was very much in favour of staying and the welcoming of immigrants. No bullets my ass.
Nigel Farage has said some more things. Like how he “won” “without a bullet being fired.” Conveniently forgetting the assasination of Jo Cox. Who was very much in favour of staying and the welcoming of immigrants. No bullets my ass.
“Taylor does not hold anything against Kim Kardashian as she recognizes the pressure Kim must be under and that she is only repeating what she has been told by Kanye West”- OMFG it’s so beautiful.
for old times’ sake
This could have been a real catastrophe if not for the dogged purr-suit of the police
I think he did—he got to Chow-Chow it right down.
Nobody enjoys being hounded by the police.
He probably made a poodle on the floor!
It’s rather unfair to Pit such a tiny dog against the police! I hope he was read his mirAnda(lusion) rights and promptly hired the very best Beagle team.
The cop on the motorcycle had to get affenpinscher by the collar to pick her up.
Looks like he was totally running for the border (collie).
He tried to skipperkee away from that cop, but in the end they boxered him into a corner.
He looks a little husky for a chihuahua, but he’s still got that spring(er) in his step!
Wonder if when they got back to the station, he got to eat a (Great) Dane-ish.
That was a dogged pursuit.
He seemed happy to be shepherded off the huge span(iel) of the highway.
Good thing they didn’t have to take him back to the Lab(rador).
I bet he thought he was in deep shih tzu when he saw the lights flashing.
I’m glad they were able to retriever him.
He was headed to Oakland after learning that the rent on his doghouse had been jacked up to $2900/month.