
Well if his virtual wall goes as well as his first product, Mexico has nothing to worry about.

You know how every president ages like shit during their term? This is going to be the administration where we all age like shit.

I love Garriots work and have for decades but his track record with stuff like this isn’t great. Remember Tabula Rasa? Maybe he should focus on justdoing s new single player RPG. Let’s face it the MMO scene is crowded anyway

Oh please Jason, we all know you’re the one delaying the Virtual Console on purpose.

Best advice I can give.

This is ridiculous. Let the free market set the prices. The free market will naturally correct itself. If enough people die then the market will disappear. /s

This is what I come to night Kinja for.

Honestly, I kind of hate their new logo. I think the previous one was just fine, and I know this is similar, but looks really bad to me.

I feel like the lack of comments on this article means that people didn’t realize the gravity of this case. Had the court ruled in Lexmark’s favor, it would have opened the door for all sorts of chicanery from companies sneaking anti-reselling language into their EULA’s. We dodged a major bullet here, people.

I would be surprised if there wasn’t a deal worked out with Denuvo that would scale the price according to protection.

Only if I can borrow your time machine first. My dad committed suicide in 2012.

Shout out to BotW for it’s incredible load times after death. It’s not Super Meat Boy quick, but it’s a damn lot faster than Horizon, which I played directly before and died in equal measure.

So gonna play this with my dad, as soon as he returns from buying cigarettes. Any year now!

Plus, no forearm gains for carrying that thing around!

For $9,000, I could literally build two PCs more powerful than this laptop, plus gloriously good monitors, and have enough money left over to hire someone off of TaskRabbit to carry them to wherever I was going to be for a year.

Why doesn’t the Interpol or whatever (Greenpeace?) just pretend they are rich folks looking for killing almost extinct animals, and then arrest these fuckers (you know, put them in cages)?

Look, you can’t get away with this in the rest of the business world. As a member of a community partnership program with a multi-billion dollar company, you’re allowed to criticize, but when you break decorum and get nasty, you lose partnership. That’s the way it works. They get to choose who they get to partner

I like hot food but I don’t see much of a reason to go beyond the habanero/scotch bonnet in terms of heat index. Really even at that level if you don’t balance and cut down the heat, it just kills all the other flavors of whatever food you have it in. Having something that is many, many times hotter than that doesn’t