
It absolutely had to be removed. But damn I do love that gesture. It’s much more powerful than a middle finger. It makes a sound! What about the one where you take your hand and slide your fingers up the front of your neck to your chin and then kind of flick at the end. That used to be popular when I was a kid and I

I would pay good money to flip people off as Luigi.

Jones isn’t cultured enough to appreciate good yogurt.

I work in Education/IT. Both stores provide quality. My point was they both provide apps, and Apple allows similar names for similar apps. Apple Fan Boy here, but the point is, why deal with App count? Maybe download count? Then again, going with my previous comment Apple may have it nailed with similar named apps.

I don’t think the amount of apps in a store means anything. Apples’ store has many similar apps it can drive you insane! When doing volume VPP purchases from the app store we have to ask for a direct link to the specific app as there is so many similar named apps that of the same thing there.

But Apple is doing this more than any other company! They’re the worst offender, so singling them out does make some sense.

As has happened consistently since the corporate taxes were lowered last time (and every time since the 40's), they would simply have more money to store offshore.

How about they pay their taxes instead of hiding money offshore in every tax haven they can find?

I’d say there’s about a one in a million shot of that game being Super Mario RPG 2.... but if it happened I would nearly die of happiness.

Another one other than that Octopus Blues Traveler game?

I’d feel better if this was helmed by Square Enix and called “Super Mario RPG 2", but I guess I’ll take it (game play pending).

And perhaps they will “think differently” when Apple sues them for slander?

No, well they might but those are not aphids. That is whitefly.

They have. They’ve been showing demos at some gaming events like E3 and such. Sadly it’s still a year out. It was supposed back in March though that’s been pushed back to 2018. The latest update simply said that they’re canceling the Wii U version to work on the Switch version.

What’s the lesson here? It seems like the key isn’t to get attached to individual creators, but rather to whole teams working on games.

My mom called to tell me that you called me an asshole. It’s cool, though. I took a controversial position. I knew it, and I’ll stand by it.

The fittingly out of touch new name for this service will be “Xstream.”

I cannot help but chuckle that “lots of things to do” is positive, but “bloated length” is in the negative, those sort of two sides of the same coin I think.

“Ummmm, no. No they don’t. Link to *any* evidence other than that single instance of Blu phones having spyware? I’ll wait...”