
The off screen gameplay is really the feature I liked most on the wii u. I immediately traded the wii u and xbox one in as soon as I knew there were pre orders. The switch takes the offscreen gameplay to the next level. This is the first launch console I’ve bought that I really haven’t regretted. Nintendo is on the

I really think VR is a novelty. I also think wearing a headset to play a videogame leaves you open to attack. AR is the real future in my opinion. The effect with gaming still makes you look hella weird but less prone to attack.

I think we may all be old now. Depends on how long you’ve read gizmodo i guess. I too am nervous of our bezel-less future.

They should’ve went back to the original, that’s what’s cool now right? I’m cool, right?

Come on man, can we dream? I agree 100% just let us dream

I get first dibs mine was 2011.

When I figure out how to time travel and prevent my dad’s suicide we’ll play together and cream you and your dad.

Come at me bro/bro-ette!

I’d rather play a real SMT game than the persona series....

Now we need someone to ask these tough questions and why this method has not yet been used???

More like Pogs

It’s shooting the bird you dungo!

Fuckin’ paid DLC AMIRITE?!

It does get pretty warm but not nearly as bad as an ipad playing something crazy...gets better battery life to boot bahahahah

Eh battery life is close to the new 3ds imo. The games just look impossibly better on the switch. Battery life when playing zelda is surprisingly good, i beat 90% of my run in handheld mode and finished the last 10% on dock. So don’t wait if there’s stuff you wanna play. Don’t get mr. Shifty though, kotaku made a bad,

Yes honna?

Whoa there pardner! I was riding along and one of mah little daoggies noyiced you hootin’ ‘n hollerin’ about bae! Bae is a great word. It represents so much pardner! Now don’t mind me but I must be moseyin’ along nah ya see? Be safe and don’t lit the varmints nibble at ya heels!

I totally agree. It’s odd, and flawed to a high degree

I was honna say that the sheer amount of apps doesn’t mean they are all quality. I’d bet you’d find generally more useful apps on the windows store versus google or apple. Most of the apps ive seen on ios and google in the tops lists are shovelware for the most part.

So if I was going to buy Prey based off IGN’s score then I wouldn’t since it was/is technically broken. I think the 4 lures in a reader and the reasoning is just. And it’s not like the developer can’t fix things. You guys rarely if ever go back to your numberless reviews to add addendums when patches or major content