
Eh, any sane grown up wouldn’t do what he does.

Considering he ran on the I’m gonna follow the rulez and enforce the rulez ticket he is breaking a couple rulez...

FOX isn’t real news dude/dudette

A virus is a thing that can infect you and give shingles and the shits.

Fuckin A!

What’s wrong with Mr. Mom?????

God we can hope and wishhhh and pray to the videogame gods. But you’re probably right. It’s a square version of mother 3 :)

They said something about it recently, and it is aside from blues brothers! So maybe???

Definitely cowards hiding behind a badgr thing.

I believe so, it’s something in development but hasn’t been formally announced as in “this is game x it will be about x blah blah” but they said they were working on it

Square has an exclusive switch rpg in the works that they haven’t “announced” yet. So maybe???

I’m pretty satisfied and the fact that most of the post release stuff is well reviewed is good. I am a little disappointed with Mario Kart as everything is unlocked from the get go, don’t get wrong that’s great, but not having to unlock classes or maps or characters takes a lot of the single player wind out of its


You have to explain naked norman to explain clothed norman.

Spinosad is fantastic.

That’s good, I’m stoked for that switch version.

Are they making progress? I didn’t back it but I really really want a new igavania...

Is yooka coming to the switch as well on tuesday?

To be fair Gearbox does a really good job of bringing their reputation down all by themselves. Randy Pitchford is not a good person. Also, brands are not your friend. Same with publishers.

I like how scallops and shellfish (in general) just don’t have internal temp info, just “cook until its white!” And it’s from THE source for this stuff.