
I'm fine with the X-Men remaining in their own universe, for the most part…the only thing I'd like to see is some kind of reconciliation between Fox and Marvel that would allow some borrowing of characters along the lines of what we saw with Quicksilver (different actors, no real reference to the other). For example:

I know she's an alum. I was a freshman when she was a senior, and I used to read her comic. Honestly, the pong thing bothers me less than the idea that my house produced those Sploder douchebags.

As a Dartmouth and Sigma Nu alum, I would like to point out that pong at Dartmouth is played with paddles (hit the ball into the cups), and the Sploder guys would NOT be in my house.

Yeah, but I'm happy for that…my wife had never seen the show before this season, and now we're binge-watching Season 1 on Amazon. I vaguely know about Nina, but I can't spoil anything for her. The only thing I did was remind her that Kim was name-dropped in the first episode as having just had another kid, so it's not

212 comments and not one mentioning Neil Patrick Harris? Dang, I feel like this whole trend of live televised musicals was MADE for him, being both A) a name that people will tune in to watch; and B) an actual honest-to-goodness MUSICAL THEATER ACTOR. I also think that Harold Hill and Barney Stinson share some

In fairness, it was described as an amateur event, which I believe is legal in New York (http://www.mixedmartialarts…. And Dana wouldn't necessarily be sponsoring the event (although if they used an Octagon cage, then yes…it's trademarked); he could be there scouting fighters…although if Dana were really in NY, he'd