
I have to say first and foremost I will be deleting my account ASAP, why?

@ninles: I had eyelashes like that when I was younger. I think they are real (perhaps enhanced with mascara though).

@notheretomakefriends: I do remember that episode of Pot Psychology, hilarious. And thanks for the welcome :)

@Sapphire: Have you done this? Is it awkward to pull it out and tell him to use it? Would he feel all "non-manly" because I want more? How do I suggest such a concept?! What if I'm visiting him and airport security decides to do a baggage check on me and pulls it out in front of all the passengers?

@RosePetalPlace: Haha, a big vein-y-penis-shaped dildo is not my thing either... definitely not! It's a relief to know that I won't become dependent on it, that's what always kept me away from the vibrators.

@DaniFae: Thanks for the link! I'm going to crazy-woman stalk until I find something I think might work.

I'm a long time stalker of this site and it's faboosh forums, but first time commenter so go easy on me!!

Oh boy, that show is going to tank so badly.

To be honest, what I've seen so far looks like a cross between Knight Rider & Viper. Curiously, both were by NBC. Oh well, I knew it would tank, I just didn't know how hard. In other news, any takers on how much the Terminator series will tank?

@Dr.Danger: Nah, I don't care enough. Either way that is certainly not KITT.

Bah, double post, sorta, but the second post is more interesting at least!

I dunno, it seems like they've got KITT all wrong. Instead of the agreeable and curious KITT who needed a human to understand the world in human terms, we've got aggressive KITT who doesn't even need a reason to kick your ass. Also, I'm not so upset at turbo-boost being gone, because it really is a concept that is no

I dunno, it seems like they've got the voice for KITT wrong to me. I mean you'd think that they'd at least get the main character right but nope it doesn't look like it. KITT after all in the old Knight Rider is a helpful and agreeable supercomputer. The new KITT sounds like he's going to kick your ass, he'll it