
But I don’t wanna call not funny actors.. I wanna call some hookers

Huh? What’s going on? And why do people feel the need to expose conversations for the world to see?

You know what is missing? A good soundtrack. Believe me it would would uplift this gameplay quite a bit. It’s a shame people don’t believe in good soundtracks anymore, like original Doom did.

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-buhhh gojiberries!!!! alfalfa sprouts! corporations man!

I have made a comment to the author of this post, expressing my dismay that this article was not written by a person actually trained in child behavior.

Yeah, this writer desperately needs to establish boundaries. Hugging your child during a temper tantrum = positive reinforcement for the meltdown, and encourages the child to melt down MORE. It’s pretty basic operant conditioning, and it baffles me that so many parents make this mistake.

I would be curious to see the reaction if that wood chipper was used in relation to gold digging women who chase athletes rather than male football players?

Its called sarcasm. What the reporter just did was create a media hype for people to go to his restaurant/bar. and he just went along the ride since its free advertisement because he didnt give a fuck

+ 1 goo punch

I don't even think they need that much money. The test would be something simple like "Does this box of Taco Bell Doritos Tacos Locos look appetizing to you?"

Exactly, these people chose their profession as a server clearly understanding that they would be treated poorly at some point in time. They chose to stoop down to the immature level that infuriated themselves. I cannot stand managers or anyone else in the service industry that would tolerate such behavior from

Today I learned that 99% of gawker commentators are actually very immature 13-year-olds.

So far I count:

You want to fuck other dudes, your husband isn't into it. He needs therapy?

So, the morale of the story is that women have so much baggage they need multiple men to dump it on at all times.

36 year old single guy here. Really glad I didn't get married to someone as cruel. I'm single and alone but being married and having my wife tell me I need to accept her dating other men? is grounds for jumping off a bridge.

If you're trying to get your husband to be something he's not, maybe you're the one who needs therapy.

Games show relay on knowledge, which some people do have, or physical obstacles like jumping and climbing, which most people have done at some point in their life. The same goes for sports. Most people have played some sport at some point in their life, and if not, it is at least easy to know that physical activity

Seems to me the biggest issue will be getting people to care about the game and know how it is played. The main reason anyone watches any kind of sport, game show, or video game, is because they know a lot about it, and know how hard it can be. One of the best ways to do that, is to play it yourself. But in this case,