Nunya bizness

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.

“You snowflakes are making me feel bad!”

Poor cupcake, so mad to have to live in the real world, where science and math are real. It’s not your fault you get so mad, I know it must be really frustrating to not be able to understand basic things.

Wouldn't be a big problem if it was only you. It's a problem when there are assholes like you all over the world. Go fuck yourself.

Annnnd...we know who’s voting for Trump come November.

So Mr. tough guy MAGAt is going to “eat red meat”.  I can only assume the red meat he refers to is his dog’s “red rocket”.

WOAH, Y’ALL! We’ve got ourselves a super-macho MAGA hat wearin’, early death due to heart disease havin’, owner of a small peen due to his giant coal rollin’ truck driven’, certified badass litterbug over here! Way to P0Wn the Libs, Brah!

“remember two girls can’t make a baby.”

“She’s too young to know enough about that.”

Things a woman is too young for:
* Older men preying on her
* Being forced to carry a child she can’t care for
* Expected to raise siblings

If that person agrees to all three of those things with the same energy then maybe, we can get into the (invalid) reasons why somebody

“Homophobia in our community is out of control.

Homophobia in our community is out of control. Amazing that we sound just like white, Fox News Conservatives. We are the living embodiment of “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” Some of us don’t even do the former. I hope to god all of those assholes commenting have a gay child and then try to act all hard about it.

...except she’s getting paid while people are losing either valuable vacation time or valuable unpaid personal time.

The difference is that she is getting paid to be inconvenienced while everyone else paid for the pleasure.

If you don’t want to deal with annoyed customers, don’t take a job where your primary duty is dealing with customers in an industry where they are often annoyed.

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

Trump campaign was offering black celebrities BIG BUCKS to show up and say nice things about him. Only a couple actually took the bait, including Steve Harvey. I wonder how much money exchanged hands for Kayne ‘bipolar’ Kardashian to prostitute himself in this disgraceful manner. According to Kayne ‘Bipolar’

We’re witnessing the decline. It was a good run, and we’ll still be #1!!! for the rest of my life, but man, I’m looking at my niece and nephew and thinking “good luck kiddos!”

shaved head and goat, lots of tats and muscles starting to turn flabby...what is the likelihood this guy does NOT have a black pickup truck in the driveway?

Nazis and Second-Amendment fellators are morons, and MURICA lets them run free and organize.

They have declined to continue helping America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities.

I never thought Tiki Torches and Coolers would be caught up in political protests but here we are. How the fuck did we get here?