

Far cheaper is just two bricks...

If the problem is the men ‘allegedly’ have higher sex drives and not having sex with anything other than their hand causes them to act out (??? This alone mystify’s me) then why not solve the problem easily and early by chemically reducing their desire / need (want more like) for sex?

Hey! Millenial fucktard!

User from the UK: It works, perfectly, flawlessly. It’s not like you need a mortgage to buy / try it. It’s probably less than a couple of stupid fancy coffees ffs.

FFS, READ WHAT I SAID you idiots! I never said it JUSTTIFIED being killed. I said the 15yr old (and his parents) are partially to blame. Not that he deserved to be killed by a POS cop!?!

Agreed. and see this post:

15? I was learning to fly planes, doing house and garden work for parents; working part time for my father, playing video games and writing software for my dad’s company and playing with my piano and dog. Not doing ANYTHING that would remotely get the police involved in my behaviour, and NOTHING my parents didn’t know

Why are you bringing race into it? I never once mentioned the colour of his skin, or his gender; it could have been a white young woman, or a yellow kangaroo. It doesn’t matter.

Read my posts dimwit. I clearly and plainly said in every post, this cop MURDERED this kid for no reason at all.

You’ve just proven my point without having the intelligence to know it. If he was mentally incapable as you suggest, then he should never have been out doing those things unsupervised in the first place; you can’t have it both ways.

Lol, you think wishing death on a fellow human being is appropriate to a difference of opinion? Lol, you really are a vile excuse for a member of society. Scum, arrogant, intolerant scum; and yet you probably bang on about 1st amendment rights all the time too. Pathetic little troll.

I was raised properly; I was told, if you take your bike or pedal car on the road, you will get killed.

15 isn’t a child; you don’t let a CHILD drive an off road sports vehicle on public roads, you certainly don’t let a CHILD do it unattended and unsupervised, and you don’t let a CHILD get into a position where it thinks the best solution to the problem of getting caught doing something dangerous and reckless as the

I agree the cop who tase red him is a POS; and that they were only concerned with covering their collective asses; but this young man is partly to blame.

Why do you internet bloggers think doxxing is okay when YOU do it!

She shouldn’t be charged with anything, and serves the little male pervert right.

I miss real journalists; I miss the good-old-days when these millennial bloggers who barely graduated from a lib arts college would be working for McDonald’s instead.

That’s what editors and proof readers are supposed to be for....oh I forgot, you’re a blogger, not a journalist.

Men, grouped together without anyone controlling or limiting their collective childishness.