
That’s a pretty harsh comment.

I’m on board with this. Kids won’t like it, but it’s a good teaching moment.

At this point I’d rather the Han Solo movie being about his corpse floating through space. I just don’t care about characters back stories. The Phantom Menace and the rest of the prequels completely killed whatever interest I had in that sort of thing.

Gonna try this.

Well, it’s more than being a cheap bastard. For many people, the cost of taking a family to the movies is a luxury. So, I can either not go at all, or I can go sometimes and sneak in candy, or just not have candy.

“I think he’s gonna pork her, Dad.”

What’s better - not going at all, or going and bringing your own snacks?

Oof. Good reply.

People who talk at the movies should be shot.

And the meal is additional, right?

Ticket prices need to come down, first and foremost. And don’t give me a hard time if I bring my own snacks. Not paying movie prices for popcorn, candy and bottled water.

I got back into dating last year, a few month after my separation. A year and half later, I’ve been on a lot of dates, and the worst I can say about any of them was that hey were just ho-hum, and at times I’ve felt burned out. For the most part it’s been fun meeting new people, and I figure at some point 1 might turn

Actually, yeah, that makes sense. There are some shitty owners out there that don’t spend enough, or claim they don’t have enough, like current Yankee All-Star Derek Jeter.

It’s not like the Mets are operating with a small market payroll. They spend money - just not nearly as much as the Yankees, Dodgers and a few others.

Location is big factor. Dating in a big city is easy. Small town - not so much.

I don’t think you have to be perfect. Just show up when you are supposed to, and act interested without being creepy or talking about awkward stuff.

I’ve pretty much stopped dating a lot because it’s too expensive. And that’s with having dates pay their half, which they usually offer to do.

Yep, doing some kind of activity together, even if just going for a walk is better than dinner. It’s hard to find out if there is any chemistry that way. And it’s nice to see how someone interacts with the world when they’re not just sitting at a table.

Really? The porgs were bad, but not Gungan level bad. At least they weren’t given anything to do other than harass Chewbacca.