My guess is that she didn’t have GAP coverage, which is an expensive lesson. I can easily see a Kia like this losing half of the sales-price. Especially if the purchaser rolled-in some upside-down debt from a trade-in.
Gap insurance next time?
Disagree. Even worse are people who are gluten-free, but not out of necessity (such as Celiac sufferers), but because it’s hip to do.
Never forget how beautiful the Opel GT was.
Definitely no excuse not to have built in code reading when every car has a multifunction screen tied to some sort of microprocessor. They could very easily provide a nice text-base readout.
Another option would be a number next to it to indicate the number of faults detected. It would also be nice if they didn’t force you to get a code reader and instead just always had a “faults detected” menu.
Or you can dislike speed cameras as the craven, revenue generation devices they are, while also understanding that speeding may cause you to get a ticket.
The article will be titled: “Why buy a new Keurig machine when you can buy this five year old Alfa Giulia instead?”
No. Fuck you. Wait in line like everyone else
Don’t forget four-wheel-steer!
You shut up, the door handles are cool.
Yeah.. You’re oldschool.
I guess will start seeing Kias crashing out of Cars and Coffee now.
“(Warren police) haven’t done much to repair the whole.”
I feel like that was probably cut-content. Like he was gonna say something else bombastic and the lawyers would use the falcon doors to get out in the tight space and you get the double whamy of showing off the falcon doors utility while adding more to the schtick.
Yeah, I thought that whole bit was just a setup to show that the “Falcon” doors could work in tight spaces. But then they didn’t do that. It was odd.
I was disappointed that they didn’t use the falcon doors to escape Clarkson’s trap.
Or you know you could just pay your balance off every month.
Or you know you could just pay your balance off every month.