Good grief! Wasn’t there anyone closer? That guy rode for miles and miles!
Good grief! Wasn’t there anyone closer? That guy rode for miles and miles!
How can you be 100% sure that you’re not “impaired” though? It sure as hell will be their concern if you screw something up that causes a fatal accident and the company is sued.
I like it, but the front end is a bit to Acura-y. Maybe the’re planning on merging the brands soon and want to make a smooth transition?
I call BS. I rented a Thunderbird from the same era which was on the same platform for a drive to Virginia from Ohio back in the day. Going up the mountains in West Virginia I couldn’t break 35mph! Semi trucks were able to pass me for Pete’s sake!
Am I missing something? Where is the video. The video at the bottom of the page doesn’t show it jumping. I only see the gif. There’s a white space below the 1st paragraph. Is that where it’s supposed to be? I’ve tried 3 different browsers and it looks the same in each one.
1st: OK, so maybe I’m stupid. I just bought my first car with keyless entry/ignition and I assumed that the car will turn off once I get far enough away from it. I’ve even thought about what would happen if I were carjacked and someone tried to drive off without the fob that’s in my pocket. Wouldn’t it would cut out a…
‘90’s much?
My favorite mission in the whole game.
So you need someone to die before you consider something to be a real problem? Nice...
I just love the smell of Justice in the morning.
I tried to remain optomistic, but that didn’t even last one minute into the video when I saw the rear “view” window. Seriously? I’ve seen hot rods with little tiny windows that have a better view of the road behind you.
Oh man! I wanted one of those cars sooooo bad when I was a teenager. Now I do again.
You’re just jealous because it rarely gets above freezing in Sweden. Hater.
Did you even try a push start? Lame...
It’s so strange to see Foo without Tyler on drums!
Did I miss something in the article? Where do you address the, “Not every car needs it...”, part? I can read between the lines a little, but you’ve left me feeling like a teenage boy who just saw his first Playboy and doesn’t know what to do with that tingly sensation his pants now. (OK that may be an overstatement,…