
North reports that the crash happened around 2:00 AM on Monday at the Fort Lee side of the bridge, right around where Christie screwed around with all that traffic.

So it's a conspiracy then?

The Fiat dealer in Jim Ellis land on PIB is killing it. I am truly shocked.

Ummmmm.... No store in Atlanta? That makes no sense at all.

This looks like an airplane gauge. Altimeter for when you catch massive air maybe?

He has a history of selling investments just in time. He sold his wood framing and concrete business just before the housing bubble burst. Maybe I'll finally be able to buy that '69 Camaro for $10,000 soon?

I'm not sure what all they were put in but the Cutlass diesel for sure was a train wreck in mobile form. The engine was appallingly awful and shook out all its internals, the car had the build quality of an ice cream sandwich in the sahara desert, and the fuel economy wasn't all that much better than the gas motors

PETA is the Westboro Baptists of animal activists.

I really don't understand the hate for the Catera. I still think it's an attractive car, and was a good idea to help bring Cadillac out of the stone ages.

Wait... Zane Lamprey isn't drinking any alcohol anywhere in this video. I'm confused.

I find it so convenient that the government announced that they were getting out of GM just before all of this came to light.

What really amazes me is that there's still nutcases out there who think the whole thing was faked.

They could at least put the speakers in for that price!

The video is already gone :(

Where's the one showing gun ownership?

Ignore the fact that all the people who fought against desegregation in the 60's were Democrats. Oh, and Lincoln was a Republican...

If the data is true, why does it matter where it comes from?

I agree, my dad has put over 250K miles on his Buick. He had to put a new engine in it last year, but that thing has been amazing. Just don't expect any of the buttons to work... It is a GM after all.

"only the 4.3 and 5.3 gasoline engines are effected," -should be "affected"