
I always liked when they did the occasional episode to revisit past nightmare kitchens to see how they are doing, and 19 out of 20 of them were out of business.

I can think of two. One was a free showing of "A Good Man In Africa" which wound up alternating between being dull and painfully bad — and one was a purchased (non-matinee) ticket for "Second Sight", the film which John Larroquette apologized for during his WTF interview.

It certainly broke with my expectations. I'm enjoying it, but it feels less like an RPG and more like an interactive novel. On the one hand, I wish the combat were more strategic and engaging. On the other hand, I appreciate that they made it heavy on the lore and dialogue options. It will be interesting to see how

Interesting that every single one of the people who are now considered to be LMD's are ones who Fitz put through the 'simulation' earlier in the episode…

He not only didn't promote a book written by him, he promoted a book by an investigative journalist who is very even handed and quite skilled. I'm more than a little amazed.

The whole 'shade' sequence only seemed to be there as a setup to give them a way to defeat The Beast later on. i.e. find his and put it back.

Will the protest be replacing him with Mark Wahlberg?

I'm sure the kids will be thrilled at that Jesus And Mary Chain reunion concert once they roll the video for Teenage Lust on the overhead projection screen. (I can only hope).

Will it solve the mystery of how his chin wound up becoming his neck?

…"retain the spirit and style"? More like "feed all of the most memorable elements of our other properties into a blender, drink it down, crap it back out, and then smear it all over the wall." i am setsuna was crap. Pretty, but the characters were forgettable, the story was predictable, a number of set pieces only

Swinton was chosen because if they'd used an asian character and in any way implied that the character had origins in Taiwan, then Disney never would have been able to sell it in the Chinese media markets.

Yeah. Not even willing to try it for free. They already burned any goodwill they had back in the Napster days.

They need to put pop up messages all over each episode like that VH1 show, pointing out the various female guest stars, their ages, and the various rumors and accusations revolving around what he may or may not have done to each.

With luck they'll be able to use it to undo the stupid 'we nuked a small city' plot element that made me give up on Arrow.

We have one Filipino co-worker who insists on bringing it to work as an occasional treat. He is also not terribly big on eating things right away or properly storing things. His general philosophy is that if he re-heats something in the microwave, then it is safe for him to eat.

He may as well be.

Countdown until Nintendo sends them a cease and desist letter.

All I've learned about twitter in the past week is that if you want to get something blocked, don't report them for harassment. Report them and say that they are posting screenshots from the Olympic Games.