
I thought the writing in this episode was hamfisted. Very good performances, esp related to Villanueva women but … meh

I thought Rafael was faking the phone call to cover up that he heard what Michael said. But it could've been a legit call and he missed Michael's admission about Nadine.

I've seen some serious tantrums on Tumblr over Jane choosing Michael. I don't know if it'll even last but folks are showing out on Tumblr in the worst ways over Jane's CHOICE.

IA. I think it will be a big test for his character to see how he handles it.

I know Luisa is a screw up but I dislike how Rafael speaks to her.

this was rather a gloss over how elitist and somewhat racist was in the episode. Jax made her nervous with his hoodie. ooook.

I'm still seeing Rafael as all flash and no substance. He remains little more than pretty cardboard.


I mean, I've always found it dull because it only works in the preface that she's in a situation she can't walk away from and needs to control it. But she's been able to walk away from the beginning, she just chooses not to. So much for being a powerful on her own if she can only be relevant by hanging on to Fitz.


But it's not dramatic if she keeps threatening him for any minor disagreement. Diminishing returns and all. She's basically a gnat with her threats and her knee-jerk reaction to anything he does she doesn't like is to threaten him. It's dull at this point, IMO

So how is she going to review an ep about racism & dog-whistle politics yet not talk about it? Nah, she did a piss-poor job and her personal bias is no excuse for poor professionalism.

Not to mention, she basically glossed over what the ep was about - heck, it's the title of the episode - which should've been something discussed in her recap but why let that get in the way of Olitz hate and Mellie praise? *sigh*

I think she's on Black-ish now.

Cool, thanks. I'll have to check that out.

I thought the same thing when I read this review. Last night's ep did a good job on bringing up the type of backlash a lot of women of color have to face and it was all glossed over to have another "poor Mellie" diatribe and to clown Olivia & Fitz separately and together. Really disappointing. I'm all for a recapper

It was nice that they brought Teddy back. Reminded me of the time Mellie could've killed him due to her selfishness.

I'm going to need "Jane The Virgin" to give Rafael some character substance instead of always falling back on his good looks as his main selling point.

I liked this ep. It wasn't fast paced but there were good moments between Abbie & Ichabod and Jenny & Joe. The monster of the week was weak but there were good quiet moments between those 2 sets of characters.

Yea, no. I just don't see Mellie as a victim. It's not like she can't get out of her situation. She refuses to.