bonobo bo bonobo

I find that sometimes in my life my questions have no answers.

Did you really laugh out loud or are you fucking stupid?

PSP emulators work really well these days, as long as your system is not too old.

Just how far does brain damage have to run before melon soda sounds like a good idea?

Also, one of them is guilty of assault (Hint: It’s the punk motherfucker with a badge and a gun).

My level of hurt in your imagination is adorable. It’s really less an insult, and more an observation.

Pretty sure what you’ve said already is stupid enough.

Intelligence is the main thing you’re missing. Basic critical thinking skills too.

That’s nothing compared to the dickless pieces of shit called wrestling detractors.

No, of course you’re not smart enough to actually ruin anyone’s fun, you’re just the type of impotent little piss-ant to try.

Despite your blatant attempt to suck the fun out of this comment section, people seem to have had a good time discussing it.

DLC where I can be an Adrian Barbo-bot (with chainsaw hands) is alright by me.

I think people are taking damage from incessant bragging from people who collect stimpacks and thinks that makes them special.

Enemies detect you underwater just fine without that perk. Try jumping in the water at Libertalia.

Meh, 3DS versions of DQ7 and 8 will be enough anniversary celebration for me. Squeenix has problems, but I don’t think they’ve quite Konami’d yet.

I know getting your first period is a big deal, but did you have to share it with the rest of us?

If you’re this late to the party either avoid the internet or get the fuck over it.

It may help if you open your eyes and point them towards your monitor.

Or, you know, not. Original looks fine.

The difference being, you’re playing a piece of shit, while we fire up the original.