bonobo bo bonobo

They need to make a New 2DS. I don’t feel sufficiently fucked with by Nintendo yet.

Yes, but has she learned how to sing without that crap warbling yet?

That’s the trick right there. Avoid the videos (the actual video game ones anyway). He’s a peach until the screaming/squealing starts.


His game videos are subjectively annoying as hell, but he’s been a swell guy from birth. If you ever hated him, it was because he knew his audience and was business savvy.

He’s raises and donates millions of dollars to various charities and goes out of his way to treat others well.

You being COMPLETELY out of touch and irrelevant isn’t really the point here.

She doesn’t have a brother, so no.

I think it’s called “Every Other Video Game”.

Which Bethesda adds an additional wrinkle to by making all the children in their games COMPLETE assholes.

Wow, she sounds incredibly stuck-up. What a piece of shit.

Did you somehow think being a condescending piece of shit was a helpful addition to the discussion?

If it’s so much better for families, then why did 99% of all families tell the WiiU to metaphorically go fuck itself?

How very misleadingly pedantic. Thank you for your non-contribution.

Irrelevant, incorrect, incorrect, subjective, irrelevant, irrelevant.

What year do you live in that “the comfort of your couch” doesn’t include PC games?

“The stress levels of trying to juggle this lifestyle”


Multiple teams who work for what company, dingleberry?

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