I hate that haircut SO much! I've heard about all these actresses who lost work after cutting their hair and I never understood it. I get it now.
I hate that haircut SO much! I've heard about all these actresses who lost work after cutting their hair and I never understood it. I get it now.
After Thanksgiving dinner, My boyfriend's mother was going on about Muslims ... how they're taking over her home town ... just horrendous stuff. I had my back to her washing dishes ... but our friend was sitting at the table in complete silence. My boyfriend walked in, heard what she was saying, and loudly and…
Last night, I was watching Bridesmaids with my mom and my boyfriend ... when it gets to the engagement party wedding toast scene ... and she loudly announced that Mya Rudolph wasn't black enough to have a father "that black" ... she would be blacker if that man were her father ... at most she looks Mexican.
Sigh ...…
I was distant friends with a woman who had all sorts of medical issues that no one could verify and no test could find. It was hard to talk with her ... because like the article said ... you can't dismiss her claims but yet you don't want to encourage her and make things worse. Finally she claimed to have found a…
I'm not taking away from anyone's work because it's an amazing costume ... but I swear he looks just like the guy from the Six Flags commercials a few years ago. In fact, I thought someone hired that dude to do cosplay ... who knew?
I read the most horrific thing on Facebook yesterday. Someone posted a link to an article with a title something like, "Grace Dunham finally speaks out" so I was stupid and clicked on it. It was an article from a conservative website that showed Grace's tweets ... then commented on them by saying that her opinions…
I know, it's weird, right? I guess the moving furniture thing is more bizarre than the diaper thing. In your case, you were out in a park ... I guess that seems more natural cause you wouldn't say, "Hey, guys! I'm gonna take my baby behind that tree and change his diaper!" I think you're cool. :)
It's got to be hard for you. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I know I'm guilty of this ... I like babies at a arm's distance ... but I want them cute and quiet ... ALWAYS. I know that's not realistic. I know kids have their bad moments ... they get frustrated and can't express it. I know they get loud when…
Ugh ... I'll go a step further. Not just a bar ... even in a HOUSE ... do not whip out the diaper change in front of everyone!
Exactly ... I'm baffled. I'm not criticizing her because she looks beautiful. I'd never think she'd ever had plastic surgery. However ... having said that ... she doesn't look ANYTHING like Renee Zellweger. In fact, I'm not sure that she didn't just decide to no longer be in the spotlight and paid a similar woman…
That's what I was coming here to say. He doesn't just look Photoshopped ... he looks stoned. How did she manage to find a "weed" filter???
Amen, sister. I dated a guy with an ENORMOUS penis ... stuck out of the top of his underwear when erect ... and it was HORRIBLE. He thought he was God's gift because of it ... and thought the way to have hot sex was to thrust as HARD as possible for as LONG as possible. I finally stopped him one night and was like,…
God, I HATE to stick up for this douche ... but yeah ... technically he's right. If you don't have anything ... and you marry someone who doesn't have anything ... and neither of you stray ... then ... yeah. No STDs. Ugh ... I hate when assholes are right.
Sunny side up means it is never flipped. It's still "fried" technically ... but the top part never touches the skillet. I hate making them that way ... because you have cook the top part enough to make the whites solid ... while not burning the bottom. It frustrates me because ... dammit just let me flip it and…
OMG ... the calorie thing ... that totally brought me back. I had a friend when I was a teenager that INSISTED that calories were directly proportional to weight. She would eat an extra-large bag of cotton candy because "It can't have hardly any calories ... it's so light ... feel this ... it weighs nothing!" Or…
I was twenty or so when I learned there were more than two. We just didn't eat breakfast out ... adults ate fried ... kids ate scrambled because we didn't like the runny yellow part. Seriously ... it's just a family thing, I think.
I'm not stupid (or at least not THAT stupid) ... but growing up, we didn't eat breakfast out. We had two options ... scrambled and fried. It wasn't until I was in my early-20's that a guy I was dating asked for his eggs "sunny side up" one morning and I was genuinely stumped. "You mean fried?" No ... sunny side…
I used to work with a woman with a deep (deep) southern drawl. We were out somewhere at lunch and she said she wanted "The sirloin well done." Only the way she spoke, it sounded like she said, "The sirloin whale done." The new girl we hired, directly after graduating college I might add, was baffled. As soon as…
Not to compare my situation to this but ...