That’s my fucking son you’re talking about, bud.
That’s my fucking son you’re talking about, bud.
Let’s not pretend that the reason why Cammy wears a thong is because Capcom is presenting a sex-positive character.
Cool bro, glad you got all that off your chest.
First of all... YIKES these comments y’all. There are bad takes and then there are people who apparently thought Symmetra was black or who think all Egyptians are black and just... y’all, do better than this.
Of course they’re not “African-American” they’re not American lmao.
Phione doesn’t evolve though. It’s hatched from an egg, but it doesn’t evolve into Manaphy
Apparently, the difference between legendary and mythical is that mythical pokemon are the event-only pokemon (the usually hidden entries in the Pokedex)
You should look up what they’ve added rather than attempting to dunk on me. Heist plays absolutely nothing like every other game mode, and is one of the best additions to CoD in years. Yes, the standard multiplayer stuff is there as well, but the operators add a level of complexity I enjoy, almost akin to Rainbow Six…
I mean, there are three extremely deep, complicated multiplayer modes, each with their own playstyle (and even different playstyles within the modes, as in Heist vs regular multiplayer) but ok go off
Because you're trash at FIFA.
Why isn’t there an article about me, the straight white guy who wears Levis andkicks your butt in FIFA?
People are still catching a lot of crap for being in certain minority groups, so it shall continue to be important to spotlight diverse representation. YOU might not mind playing games with a furry or a woman or an old person, but that’s definitely not the norm in the gaming community.
In a word: Representation.
People of all stripes want to see someone “like them” in glamorous venues. It’s the dream, the realization that you too can become great. It’s projection; wish-fulfilment. But liek children need heroes to aspire to be great, so do adults.
That SonicFox represents two oft-maligned constituency…
Ugh, I know. Heath Ledger!? If that’s their Joker, I don’t even care who else they case as everyone else. I’m out.
I mean... we’re all going to watch it regardless who plays Geralt, so like, chill.
I feel like having a very good actor, with the perfect physicality for the role, and a great deal of enthusiasm for the material is about as good as it’s gonna get.
Sounds like your actual reason to cancel is because you don’t like the selection and not because of ads.
All of us do “actual” journalism, thanks.
Cecilia just talked to dozens of people about sexism at Riot Games and hunted down a lost American Sailor Moon pilot.
I suspect many go into the field because they grew up loving the anime and wanted to work on it. People who endure the obscenely low wages do so out of love.