
Since Superman has a LOOOONG history of killing Zod, it was hardly a mistake. If you don't like the movie, focus on something you do like.

Misquoted my post and delivered with an unwarranted smug tone-ye be a chrome user, amirite? I grew out of the fisher-price style pretty quick, but you enjoy your yummy crayons.

I actually am fond of this idea.

Big fan of Miles. But I think he really needs the death of Peter Parker to be as compelling as the comics. They should have Andrew Garfield play the role one last time and then kill him. Theeen get Miles in.

I actually suggested this in a Facebook discussion earlier today, myself. Since it sounds like Spidey's first MCU appearance is going to be Civil War, I would write it like this:

OMG! The subtitles are priceless! lmao!

It's a trick, he only looks cool because you can only see one of his eyes. Don't be fooled!

I can understand the manager blowing up, having a key player quit a day before an event has got to be stressful. His apology sounded sincere, so I hope all parties involved find a solution they can work with.

In many of the games, he does speak... we just never HEAR most of his dialogue. The characters, however, react as though he's telling them things. "Oh? DEATH MOUNTAIN, eh?" Hell... in Ocarina of Time, you can occasionally even choose what his response is to some questions.

Best I got on such short notice: