
Thanks for the shout out Evan! I'll be posting new art for the series of illustrations throughout Sunday so keep your eyes peeled!

Haha right? The Ode to Joy at the end is so satisfying! They can change/alter everything else for all I care, but leave that music intact!

To continue on from what I was saying, its almost laughable to get hyped over such a game, but Peggle 2 looks like quite the upgrade. Definitely interested in it and how they've evolved the game, especially the little quirks like the characters, UI, gameplay, effects, and music.

Really sorry to hear that! My Halloween was ruined by teenagers ringing the doorbell like maniacs (i.e DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING! I thought it was just a little child on a sugar high, which is I guess acceptable in comparison to older teenagers) and then expecting to receive candy without costumes. I mean it

Its almost hilarious how much I enjoy Peggle. As with most people I assume, you look at the exterior and mutter "pass" without any thought...And then you play it...And its magical.

I recently played through the game because of a move and we didn't have anything set up in the new place. The laptop was readily

I tried to get into the game well over a year ago - A friend of mine wanted me to join in on the fun as he had been playing for quite some time already. As I said, I tried to get into it but it was pretty difficult and I didn't want to put in the time for it.

Fast forward to now, and that same friend convinced me

X would certainly be welcome, but chances are they'll keep it in the same family as the original Mega Man, since they would probably echo utilizing palette/skin swaps more closely in line to the original games and the robot masters.

If he get's a skin, I can bet it would be Protoman more than anyone else. Either him, or I'll take Bass!

I think Nintendo is just so fearful of online communication and interaction that they want to stay away from it completely...Look at the reputation Xbox Live gets, for example.

I do too hope Smash Bros. 4 can have voice chat, and at the very least modern day online capabilities. Brawl has been regarded one of the

See, I understand they want you to get together with friends and family and just take time off and get on the couch but some of us don't have such luxuries. Be it between friends and family...people are studying, going to school, working, and in my case, all of these plus having recently moved away from everyone I

So hyped. I haven't been as excited for a Mario game since Galaxy. Something about this game in particular just really calls back to my childhood playing the Mario games.

I tried it out for the first time and was pleasantly surprised! I got two Pokemon that evolved on the spot after trade (Graveller to Golem and this new Grass/Ghost Pumkin fellow) as well as a Charmander! That alone made my day. I later ended up getting a Chespin, a Noibat, and that one slimy/goopy dragon

Definitely glad to see some footage over here. My own wish was that KH3 would have featured some sort of time skip. I grew up with KH and KH2, and I felt like I had been growing side by side with Sora age-wise and that really helped me connect with the protagonist and story. I'm not saying Sora needs to be an adult

I have no words...Not sure what I was expecting when I read the title of this blip but damn...It kinda creeped me out listening to it...Like I felt the pain of this animated dinosaur

Thanks for sharing, Evan!

I wanted to enter this contest but I see it is pointless now. Awesome job!

Thanks for the shout out Evan! Hopefully I can get some more eyes on the web series! :)

And from me as well!

I don't blame you, the anime had plenty of those moments!

Anyway, glad to hear it! If someone who has no interest in Pokemon can appreciate the art on its own right, then I feel like I did something right, so thank you!