
There is one thing schools can buy that will improve their students abilities significantly.

Who are the older people buying it to? Their families. Children. Young people.

The more Google partners sells, the more Google must pay.

Apple just gave all their employees a frickin`spaceship! Made out of glass.

Microsoft and others failed in their predictions so far.

So I can just walk into Google and get their algorithms and source code? Or even better, just ask their head programmer.

Apple is doing the right thing here. Making things cheaper, especially for piss poor students, is actually making people more wealthy, not to mention smarter.

If you can`t beat them, use defamation, slander and rhetoric.

This article generates hits. Is that reason enough to highlight it?

Work for a company and share their secrets. Marry someone you can`t trust. Write about something you don`t understand and get money for it.

It`s like saying the wheels of a volksvagen is the same as of a lamborghini. Go figure.

Quality costs. It applies to everything on this planet, but not laptops?

Having to remove malware apps is a "great" innovation.

Apple`s iphone business is larger than all of Google`s businesses.

So 50% is new buyers, and that is not enough average guys?

But it has the same parts of an iphone and is cheaper. Android logic.

I am waiting for the day Siri will materialize into the real world and everyone will see how she looks like. 3D first though.

Siri just downloaded the piano skills ( just like in the Matrix). Next up, she will teach you how to play too.

Another journalist who don`t seem to understand Picasso.

Only you think everyone else thinks he is a God.