
Bill Gates just talks. He did`nt do it. Apple showed them how and now they are doing it.

And they don`t care of your opinion.....

You mean like a touch phone? Or a touch ipad? Did you or anybody else figure that one out first?

That is why they call it beta.......

Attacking? I am defending the facts. No one is stupid because they don`t have an iphone, but dissing a product or saying something that is plain wrong just to fit your hate is pretty stupid. The stats say otherwise.

Ask a iphone4 owner if there is a serious problem. If there was, how come people who bought iphone 4 are not returning them as much as returning Androids? How come the satisfaction is higher with Apple products?

Google Steve jobs demo of all phones having this problem. Ask an engineer.

Now you are saying they don`t have antenna problems but they do, but not to the extent of an iphone. Who is dense here?

Never said it was perfect. How can it get better if it`s perfect?

It`s funny how a "defence" of a gadget can annoy you.

The article says "remember the iphone?"

The scary part is all the fandroids being unhappy about iphone owners being happy. Just count all the anti Apple comments....all the misinformed comments.

This is actually the future and it`s hilarious.

So, they don`t then , monkey.

Again, the antenna gate. Do so called tech reporters forget facts so fast?

If you buy an iPad, you don`t need to buy numerous other items such as books, console, watch, baby alarms etc. etc. etc.

Nobody is immune. Some have more and some have less. Malware CAN be measured.

But, is`nt Steve a part of Apple?

So Apple has lost a 100 million dollars on Apple TV? Really?

I see your view, but it is still not a part of a language. Pressing your nose, a button and pressing a touchscreen is not the same thing, although it is the same movement. They all do different things.