
From: "Android has the same parts as iPhones but iPhones are more expensive."

Imagine this with SIRI. Now where is your God?

The x code software is just as beautiful as Apple`s hardware.

All phones have the same antenna problem. But as usual, haters pick out Apple for the problem.

Games? For one. Also you get a feel of the place much more. Very important. Not many companies understands this. Google earth feels too geeky for instance.

Show me another article that says when someone looks at a picture of someone they love, Jesus or not, the same areas don`t light up?

The same areas light up when you are in love. So don`t love anyone?

Some people save the 3rd world. Others save the first world.

Repeat: Apple has already invented the future tV. It is called the ipad. All you need now is just a bigger screen/glasses/mini projectors.

Android was more like a BlackBerry OS, then suddenly it became the IOS copy that it is. Herr Schmidt was on the Apple board. You google and figure the rest.

Look, it makes no difference to me. Choose android. What is your problem?

How would you react, if one of your friends stole your idea? This is what Herr Schmidt of Google did.

Siri is the best way to do voice, and everyone else did`nt know this. So Apple really has made it their own way, which everyone is now copying.

The reality is, now everyone is scrambling to make their own Siri. Apple shows how things are done and everyone copies. Voice recognition has been around for ages. There is no one way to do voice recognition but there is a great way and Apple has got that.

Not many people are using voice actions.

An idea is not an invention. I have an idea about time traveling, but i am sure as hell not going to invent it. Start Trek is an idea. There is still no Enterprise as far as I know.

The difference is that Voice Actions really was`nt ready. Siri is. Very much like windows tablets was`nt ready either. Siri is on another whole level. Comparing them is like comparing windows tablets to ipads.

Getting inspired by Siri? More like trying to copy Siri?

If Samsung chose to blatantly copy Apple then it is their problem and a problem they made for their users, not Apple. The courts will decide that. In my opinion so far, I think Samsung exploited Apple`s design.

They had to start some where and MobileMe has probably given Apple plenty of experience too.