Pity my wife (for a couple reasons, truth be told). She’s a born and raised Texan, now living in Winnipeg. The first couple of snowfalls were a novelty. By now she hates the stuff after a few days just like a native local.
Pity my wife (for a couple reasons, truth be told). She’s a born and raised Texan, now living in Winnipeg. The first couple of snowfalls were a novelty. By now she hates the stuff after a few days just like a native local.
San Francisco checking in, almost didn’t go for my morning run because it was a chilly 50 degrees this morning and a bit foggy. You people are nuts.
What is a Chinese noodle cookie
Yum, that sounds so gouda.
No cooking—I ate Wegman’s sushi for dinner—but lots of baking!
Oh, are we throwing press conferences now every time we are a big ol’ bag of dicks? In that case, presser at my house at 4:30, I need to announce that I ate my husband’s Thai leftovers without permission.
Oh man, toddlers never seem to run out of ways to make us feel terrible about our parenting, do they? Mine has only recently stopped with the tantrums, though not because of anything we did differently. So I have no advice, only empathy! I hope you all get through it quickly!
I have really conflicting feelings about this (please dont bite my head off). But I kind of hear what Trevor Noah is saying. Clearly the left is not winning the hearts and minds of people who don’t understand what we are bringing to the table. I am not talking about the people who are OPENLY racist, xenophobic,…
Anyone else a recovering alcoholic? I started outpatient treatment this past week. As of tomorrow, I’ll be a week sober. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s a big deal for me. How long does it take for this to get easier? Like... what do sober people even *do* for fun? The only ways I ever knew to go out and have…
I made tacos for my girls. And because I’m not eating them, they are full of onions and garlic and tomatoes and spices. You know - like a taco should be. I’m heading out to the Keg with the husband (it’s a steakhouse chain in Canada). I already know I’m getting pistachio crusted salmon with bacon-y Brussels sprouts…
Ugh, I hope no one ever tells you that. I’m still waiting for someone to tell me “don’t you feel complete now?” So I can tell them, fuck no, i was complete before my loin burger joined the world.
A quick etch-a-sketch shake it off from alllllllllllll of the fears skittering about your brains (I know bc I have been mentally addled from reading too many of these this week - eek!)
Robert F. Kennedy politely deflected when my mom, with infant me, asked if he kissed babies. Then he shook my hand.
How about “Oh, I’m not a hugger! More of a handshaker.” I guess you could kind of put your hands up to stop the hug, then stick your hand out to shake hands. And say it with a smile?
Not to take away from the scare factor here (b/c FUCK THAT BUSINESS) ... but I cackled out loud when I read this one. Delightful.
Did you read the sequel, Stiletto?
I have that one! I love it.