If Kamala spends the time making remote appearances like this, it may even be a net gain for the campaign.
If Kamala spends the time making remote appearances like this, it may even be a net gain for the campaign.
Everyone wants to be a hero but no one considers that they may not be home when tragedy strikes. You know? ¯\_☹_/¯
So who's going to cover his lawn in BLM signs?
he’s got some kinda of privilege, just can’t quite put my finger down as to what kind it is.
“If you see a BLM sign on a lawn, it’s the same as having a porch light on at Halloween.”
It’s funny seeing the Grand Old Party Of Your Dead Kids Don’t Trump My Costitutional Right To Bear Arms suddenly pretend they give a shit about gun violence. They botched their bullshit excuse so bad they forgot to even put Chicago in the list. This shit is so transparent I don’t know why they even bother making…
I bet everyone who counted her as their black friend is really pissed.
I can recall Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, Sr. and the like preaching weather at the sinners (meaning anyone Pro-Choice or LGBTQ), telling them it was God’s way of disciplining them for their heathen behavior.
2008 is fuzzy regarding her support towards Obama (hence no star), but this: Secretary Clinton -> not that damn hard to write out. Love her, hate her - she dgaf no more (and honestly neither should we), but say it right or have a seat. Especially after waxing poetic about President Obama - a man who ran against her,…
Outworked by Trump? Were you paying attention? Trump didn’t have to do shit - she got played by our need to be entertained, 30 years of politics mixed with 50+ years of Kennedy/LBJ blow back, and frankly white complacency.
and she basically works for them.
Wow, I thought you were kidding. I went to the twitter thread, and damn. I guess we can expect Bernie’s Supporters (Bros) to go Trump 2020, again...
This. I’ve got quite a few twenty-somethings on my FB feed who think Harris will mean the cops will crack heads at will and apparently have been too busy playing Fortnight to notice what’s going on RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.
They’ll be here soon enough. It’s going to be a contest between “Kamala is a cop” and “it should’ve been Warren.”
The juxtaposition of guns and God in these statements makes me think that Donald Trump thinks the God his base is worshipping is the NRA.
I mean, who among us has not inadvertently given the Nazi salute?
I just came here to say that I’ve had the Hamilton soundtrack stuck in my head (again) ever since the Disney taping came out and as much as I love it, I hate it. I hate it so much. DAMN YOU, MUSICAL THAT BURROWED INTO MY BRAIN!
Dismiss the idiot troll.
Nice job, Twitter, Facebook. Thanks for rescuing the dead horses after the barn burned down.