
This is America. Of course it won’t.

Like, Tilda just randomly reached out to Margaret — a person she straight up says she’s never met — and initiated a conversation about racism in hollywood when Margaret never asked for it. “Hi we’ve never met. Can you teach me all about the racism your people face and while you’re at it couldja reassure me that I’m

Yep. She was good at it, but it was standard Wise Mentor, except it was a bald white female Brit. The honest thing to say here would be: Look, they wanted a white Brit who was offbeat with a certain cachet and they didn’t want to think too hard about the Asian thing.

How is it not? She’s called on Cho to basically pick her Asian brains on diversity and racism. That’s intellectual labor and it’s a kind that people of color do for white people all of the time. I have had so many white friends come to me with these exact kind of questions, but at least they were friends. I can only

Literally checked off the bingo list.’

It really seems like Cho brazenly misrepresented their conversation. Huh! Not a good look

Calling her an “Asian Amy Schumer” is pretty unfair, seeing as how Cho has been in comedy A LOT longer than Schumer, and has really paved the way for Asian and LGBTQ+ performers.

I like the idea of Amy Schumer being a more basic version of Cho, though.

nope. Tidla’s emails were typical IM A NICE WHITE PERSON GIVE ME COOKIES, she literally checked off the bingo list. Maybe she shouldn’t have blasted her publicly, but I don’t blame her, mostly because like her in Trumps America I don’t really care about white peoples feelings anymore

Or maybe she’s a comedian doing a bit during an interview. That seems like the simplest answer.

Actually no - only a handful of Dems:

This is the correct answer. They’ve decided that the rules are wrong, and instead of trying to change them have simply decided that they don’t apply. In doing so, they hurt their drivers, other companies who follow the rules, and drivers for legitimate companies.

Still not sure how we feel about Sarah Connor being raised by a Terminator the whole time

Uhh, this recording can now be used as evidence against these scumbags, so I'd say he was doing a favor. Sorry not everyone is as heroic as you, O Great Defender of Justice.

....but if they could run a sub-4.3 40 time, in that case an NFL GM and coach would talk about "giving people a second chance" and being "compassionate."

No need to bring incest into this race-baiting matter. Jebus.

I posted this when the story hit a few days ago, but I'll say it again . . . did you HEAR this guy's head hit the floor? Did you freaking HEAR it? The sound is between :09 and :10, and it is horrifying. If you have speakers or headphones, you will be sickened.

You're right. No one should talk about the racism or violence in St. Louis until we've made sure to talk about every instance of racism and violence in Los Angeles. This is how the media works. Obviously the history of the LAPD has gone totally under-reported, and besides, we're only at the Ls right now so we have to

These people do not speak for the entirety of Cardinals fans, I assure you. The overt racism that has raised its ugly head following the Michael Brown shooting here has disgusted and embarrassed me. I'm white, I'm a St. Louisan, and I'm a Cardinals fan, and I don't blame anyone for hating on any of us right now.

Guys, let's not let a few vocal idiots distract us from what we already know to be true: Joe Buck is the worst.

In defense of the guy in the "Darren Wilson" jersey, he comes from a long line of assholes who murdered young black men.