
"There are children in Africa"

The anti-Ubisoft-PC-gamer in me hopes that Steam told Ubisoft to f*ck off if they won't fully activate their PC titles (Watch Dogs and the console PC caps) but the reasonable part of me knows that it probably isn't the case.

Completely agree! What helped me get over a lot of it was taking Facebook and the others off of my browser homepages and bookmarks, and only getting on when I actually needed to message somebody or something more important. I went through a few mood swings after that, but like you said, I came out a lot happier

The only thing I can think of that would've swayed them away from that option is maybe the cost of the bluray discs and being eco friendly, but even then... =/

As a PC gamer that doesn't have to pay subscription fees to play online, I'll tell you that it pretty much is. Sure, as long as these developers keep including these fees on their games, both consoles will be plagued, as with any free to play game, but inherently at the beginning I pay an average of $50 a year less

I can get any of those free through in game item drops, and the game itself is free as well. Hell, I could even trade items with friends in game. I still haven't figured out how to play Forza multiplayer on an XBox One and get extra cars without buying XBox Live and DLC car packs.

As a PC guy, thank you for showing me how to toggle my e-peen counter (FPS).
As a guy who gets scared easily, WHY ARE WE ALREADY GIVING ME THE CHEAT CODES?

The article mentioned that he spent a little over two years with some help, so I'm guessing they had plans and were big fans of the game, and were doing more in free time than anything.

Gen 3 suffered from too many water routes and an overall confusing layout to get around. If they give you a better direction on where to go I think it will be a lot better for newcomers to this gen, and they need more post-story battle modes to keep me interested, which Gen 3 kind of already had with the Battle Tower

Yeah I've been pretty disappointed in the Crucible since launch. I feel like the lag has gone down a bit but I'll still see someone's health occasionally wait to drop until I'm reloading, and that kind of netcode ends with a lot of kill trades that were obviously one sided. Between that and the fact that most of the

Classic mode was super fun on CTE, albeit harder. My K/D immediately went down until I adjusted, but you kind of notice a lot of the things you were relying on that many consider "unfair" like the spotting system. Now that you can make your minimap bigger, since there's no more red triangle spotting in it, you cant

Totally agree. Hopefully the gameplan would be to release this with the X-Bone, make a ton of X-Bone sales, and once the market is split a little in the X-Bone's favor release it on PC as well.

Granted, 500k isn't a lot when you start dividing it up into who's online, lose audience to other games like CoD, get rid of games in other regions (if you're like me), and then divide that final number by 3. Like you said, though, that's a low ball, but I'm still a little worried the numbers might not make it where

Yeah it stinks that reviewers don't like the game, because I'm having a blast with it. I think Destiny, at this point in the next gen battle, is a pretty crucial game to happen and most people are looking at it as a shooter rather than the MMO/coop romp it is, and part of that is because it identifies as a shooter

Heads up for Vita owners: A tooon of great Vita games are on sale right now on Amazon. Highlights include Gravity Rush for $15, Little Big Planet for $18, Persona 4 Golden for $20, and a ton of others as well as the trigger grips listed.

It was a bit pricey (got it on sale), but I went with a FiiO amp and a BeyerDynamic 880 Pro, 250 Ohm. The comfort, sound quality, and audio levels are all a definite improvement if you're an audiophile like me. I think the headset itself is always on sale for $250 on Amazon, and the amp is like $70 on sale.

Damn, that's a great deal. I spent $250 on my A40's and haven't regretted it. I did upgrade my headset on my PC a bit later, but since they work on consoles and I just migrated it to my consoles. Definitely a steal if the price actually goes down to $160 in your cart like the page says.

I think it's safe to assume this guy recently hopped off a dirtbike... or is that just me?

Then what the hell is the Wii target audience called? O.o

The whole "graphics aren't everything" argument is getting out of hand, because otherwise we wouldn't have gone to another console gen. The article just brought up the point bra, it didn't accuse anyone. Can't even talk tech specs with these fanboys...