
Shit, Planetary. I knew I was forgetting something.

I can't say the entire New X-Men, because Igor Kordley's rushed artwork kinda ruined parts of it. But E for Extinction, the silent issue, Riot at Xavier's, and Here Comes Tomorrow I could all see.

The more I listen to it the more I want to add Awaken! My Love to my list of perfect albums. I've even come around to loving "California" which was my only big problem with it at first.

Hey, you changed your joke! If I didn't like the new one so much I'd take my upvote back!

Since NBC wrote about them…

To continue Randy's theme of perfect pieces of media, perfect comics?

Ahhh, fuck, what did I put…

No. I mean, I'm not even taking Spanish.

I had college orientation today. They mentioned starting a study group, so I pretended I was a Spanish tutor. That's how you start those right?

Scrolling by quickly my eyes somehow combined the e from Tremors with Jaws and then put that into 12 Angry Men resulting in me for a split second think you had said 12 Angry Jews.

My top five favourite comics at the moment

The Empire Strikes Back
Duck Soup


This whole thing bums me out so much. And not just because only a few days before I bought an awesome Car Boys shirt and now feel awkward about wearing it.

They brought the world to the brink of nuclear war because they WANTED to, not because they're dumb!

It's not an MMO, it's an team based shooter.

Oh, I thought we were talking about things that actually happened to us.


Remember when politicians were actually politicians and not idiots who people for some reason liked?

And when she starts ignoring you for reasons you're not entirely sure of but maybe have to do with you having said something dumb?…