KD, Dwight, Rajon. BOOM
Edit: misread your argument. I agree.
3 steps kid. He took 3 steps before he hit the ground.
Okay the second to the last one had me fucking rolling. "This fat asshole."
I don't blame him. I work in production and reporters can be insufferable. If he doesn't want to talk to the media he shouldn't be forced to do so, it's an embarrassing process for the reporters and Lynch.
KD's and Rus's reactions make this video.
I was gonna play in Texas, then I got high...
It wont be the first butthole inducted to this hall-of-fame.
James Hardy here, just curious when you'll report on me, let me know soon, thanks.
Hey deadspin, why aren't we reporting on James Hardy? The money he's making, playoff bonus, despite a conviction? Is it because he isn't a Cowboy?
Can you guys be any more bias towards the east coast? What, four articles on the
PI that wasn't called? Now we're looking for stories on Randle? Who didn't have a single carry in the playoffs? This is embarrassing.
Big white stiff? Fuck off. I was at Kansas when Cole played, and he wasn't only dominate, but a very nice dude. He's a serviceable backup, but he plays for the fucking Knicks. At least he stays on the floor, what do you have to say about, I dunno, Greg Oden?
The skyhook changed the game. This was a great dunk that resembled the skyhook. I sense some gray area here.
I'm pretty sure that was urine he was trying to mop up.
Who the fuck is cutting onions around here?
Drew, I met you last month in deep Ellum. You spoke. You're smart, friendly, and deeply insightful. To paint all of us Cowgirls fans like that is sort of disappointing. I'm sure Jake Kemp agrees. (with you, not me.)