
“Private Backyard Benihana” just debuted at #3 on my list of things to blow money on when I win the next 10-figure powerball. Right behind a self-financed reboot of Even Stevens and right ahead of my own artificial island on the South China Sea.

This is solid Kinja.

The problem with about 99% of the criticisms of the Oscars is people spouting off hot takes while completely ignorant of how those nominations are voted on. Only the best picture category is voted on by “The Academy” as a whole. Every other category is voted on by members of that category’s “branch” of the academy.

Screenplay awards are voted with ballots that don’t list the writers, voters just vote for the film by title. So the writers wing of the academy voting for Compton wasn’t a vote specifically for its white writers, just for the movie’s screenplay.

This is meta kinja.

There’s no way any army is following a dude who stops to collect herbs as often as he does. Like, you have an army. Go get someone else to pick your herbs for you. It’s called delegating and it’s a critical management skill.

“You gotta pay the Troll Toll.”

Ha! Me too. I chalked it up to him thinking that a British accent would make him sound more authoritative as his responsibilities increased. I like to think my Inquisitor was a pretty insecure guy, deep down. It’s why he kept collecting different thrones for his castle... just trying to compensate.

If we are going to be very particular and non-hackneyed then, human waste is not infectious...

This is good Kinja.

Jeez. So when the other commenters above you write that sometimes people strike tones in these discussions that can diminish the efforts (which may have flaws) of people using their platform (and privilege) to educate on important topics and turn off potential allies... you put this up.

It is also completely bullshit.

Key question: is this Jean like blue jeans or Jean like Jean Claude VanDamme?

First thought when seeing the top picture: that's the fanciest sign for a fire hydrant I have ever seen. Those Aussies sure know how to treat their firefighting equipment.

Not really... most pro sports leagues operate with a kind of winking (or official, if you're the MLB) exception to Anti-Trust law. Part of that is based on the fact that the teams compete with one another like you say, so the employees aren't as drastically impacted as consumers would be if, say, there was only one

This is some good Kinja right here.

The crazy thing would be that if Kotaku did, in fact, publish a fake article praising this SVU game as "better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack" as Ice said it did, then it would spark a controversy that is... wait for it... ACTUALLY ABOUT ETHICS IN GAMES JOURNALISM!

This is some damn good Kinja. Some damn, damn good Kinja.

Um, you said the difference was that Chait had a more powerful platform for his opinions, so you cared more about them than any of us regular citizens (which is a stance that is... whatever, you don't care what I think).

Dude, all of that being said and agreeable, if someone showed up with, like, a ton of PopRocks I'd be lying to Deadspin and myself if I didn't admit that the inner child in me would be very much okay with it.