
Bitcoin is a bad way to start investing because it’s not really investing. That’s not me being an old man yelling at clouds. That’s what the supporters say: it’s a currency! It’s “changing the way we think about money!” “My startup will let you get paid and buy lattes with bitcoin as soon as these companies get their

I’ve been saying this a lot in personal conversations. There is no having it both ways for pro gamers. The money, attention, fame, and respect that e-sports have gained and want to continue to gain will mean less and less space for a lot of what you could call “traditional” gamer culture... a lot of which was, by

Because the Astros beat the snot out of the entire AL all year before closing down a hot wild card team in the ALCS.

Micro. Transactions.

Just let me buy the thing you made, play it as fast or as slow as I want, and enjoy it. Stop giving me a game for free, letting me have fun, then slowly making that fun take longer to have unless I pay periodic ransoms to get it back. Just charge me a few more bucks, if it’s really that critical to

Huh, I just played about 4 straight games (3 two competitive) with D.Va in them, including a mystery heroes where I was her. I saw that warning too but either it didn’t extend to XB1 in the US or she’s already back.

I say this as a baseball fan, but sometimes I forget to think about the top athletes in baseball as being on the same level as the guys in the NBA or NFL. But they really are. There are more than a couple guys who throw footballs for a living that couldn’t make a throw with the velocity and accuracy Puig had on that,

Where’s Godus??? I feel like I’m a really careful Steam buyer and that’s still the only game I’ve bought that makes me feel completely cheated. Lots of disappointments, sure, but only that dumpster fire feels like actual larceny.

Yeah, Afrin says clearly on the labeling that you should cut it out after three days of use. I’ve found you can definitely go past that but if it’s been anything close to a week you gotta stop. The “addiction” is very real. I turned on a friend to Afrin (and said “it’s a nuclear option if you straight up can’t breathe

For those of you who play Overwatch, what’s one thing you would change in the next update (buff/nerf/new map/new hero/whatever) and what’s one thing you wish everyone would immediately and entirely stop complaining about?

I mean, that’s a cute comment but it doesn’t really make sense. There are only two countries with a larger share of the word’s population (and it’s a much larger share). So the question really is why don’t India and China basically trade off gold and silver for most events? Understanding that hundreds of millions of

Yeah, the issue with stuff like this is that, as some others have noted, E-Sports - despite some truly Herculean efforts - are just not like real sports when you try to compare at this level. Because the NFL doesn’t “own” football. It just owns the NFL. So when they mess up the definition of what a catch is, it only

This is that good Kinja!

Thanks I was a straight A-student that would only get teased for being a “teacher’s pet” my entire school career. I only got detention three times in 13 years of school- All for shoving, cursing out, tackling, etc of kids who were making fun of my little brother.

You simply don’t buy software. Ever. I’d be willing to bet you don’t own a single piece of software and never have.

THIS!!! I swear... the number of people who think that the magical act of parting with money entitles them to do whatever the hell they want with the good or service... or license to access and use software in a very specific and very, very, very revocable way.

I read somewhere that Hillary Clinton used a similar rubric for setting organizational goals at the State Department:

LA county fire depts (possibly others too, but not sure) always send in the fire truck, even for just paramedic calls. I think the idea is they may be needed to help ensure whatever caused the original paramedic call isn’t still dangerous or to help the paramedics get to the injured person/get them into the ambulance.

Worst season sweep of UCLA by USC since 1938...

I mean, probably.

“Private Backyard Benihana” just debuted at #3 on my list of things to blow money on when I win the next 10-figure powerball. Right behind a self-financed reboot of Even Stevens and right ahead of my own artificial island on the South China Sea.