
Ah, yes, because everyone else has the same defective gullet as you. 

So I’m now guessing the comment section for The Takeout is generally unhappy 50&60-something’s? Boba tea is just, fun. “Youthful” if you will. It’s a dessert, a social lubricant, a treat. There’s nobody unhappy at your local Chatime, no dour “do you just have black coffee” types. Oh yeah, and it’s fucking delicious.

A lot of catharsis in these comments for a special kind of dweeb who has been consumed by hatred for that one tea shop in their college town. Boba is fun, y’all are just bitter that the chick who drank it/worked there/recommended it once turned you down.

I’m not following -- if you’ve been to one, wouldn’t you know they had table service? 

Best tip - order your pizza “well done.”  It will stand up to being jostled, delayed, delivered and reheated the next day without getting soggy. And if it arrives hot and on time, you miss out on the undercooked middle.

Yeah and it’s 12% anyhow.  Regardless, getting rid of natural gas infrastructure is a very good idea.

Oh wow hey guess what I did grow up with a gas stove that we had to manually light and I did have asthma, so maybe anecdote is not data.

i love how we’re supposed to accept that the opinion of @Slaaayfabe, who has all of 18 followers, speaks to what all people are thinking. great site, guys

It literally has less sugar than Heinz

I couldn't possibly give two shits about when the sun sets in winter, waking up to darkness for months will straight up give me depression. 

A lot of doctors and scientists have said that year-round DST would probably be bad for people, health wise:

The lid & the seat should always be down. When a guy needs to stand there to piss, he should lift the seat and the lid & then lower them both when he’s finished.

I’ll never understand why people give a flying F’ what the founders knew or didn’t know. We have a process to change the constitution, it can and has changed regularly over the course of the country’s history and I can’t imagine many things sadder than the person who is willing to relegate major decisions about their

“Well, just shitholes in a prime position and taking advantage because they’re in a great location, and they’ve got the footfall.”

A hot dog hidden up your sleeve. You could choke! 

I’m not sure this is needed on a newer M1 Macbook Pro. I have the late 2021 16" M1 MBP with the higher capacity charging brick (the one that does fast charging). I got it in Nov of last year and as of March I have only 8 charge cycles. Yet I essentially leave it plugged in all the time. Remember that a charge cycle is

Couldn’t you just take a quick look at the screen every time you run a load of dishes and clean the screen out whenever necessary? Seems to be an easier solution than pre-rinsing everything. 

That fucking asshole was the president...

Exactly, this isn’t a debate. The author is engaging in psychotic behavior and is trying to pass it off as normal widely accepted behavior.

Stop sitting side-by-side. I, at the next table, sitting across from my spouse, like a normal person, do not want to have to see both of you on either side of her head, staring directly at me every time you get bored or are chewing.