
Cool brag man

48 hours is 36 hours too long. You’re wasting your time after 12.

Oh what the hell Amazon, the one I bought at full price is being delivered today

Oh what the hell Amazon, the one I bought at full price is being delivered today

This one (and all the other ones I’ve seen) just hooks around the rim of the toilet. Sorry you bought one made by a dumb person.

This one (and all the other ones I’ve seen) just hooks around the rim of the toilet. Sorry you bought one made by a

The elliptical machines I use have a program setting called weight loss and it’s HIT spread out over 4-minutes. A little of both worlds.

The average is not useful when looking at a statistic using skewed data. A better measure would be the median, as the top earners are likely to inflate the mean upwards. And we all know the US’ income distribution is hella skewed, come on dog.

No, it’s pay-per-view.

I have no idea if these actually do anything but they make my wall look cool at night

I have no idea if these actually do anything but they make my wall look cool at night

I completely agree that SleepCycle is worth it for the alarm function alone.

Woah $1,000 grand sounds steep. That’s in USD?

Yes, it is. It’s actually better at 12.50 each.

Yes, it is. It’s actually better at 12.50 each.

you said cigarette smoke doesn’t negatively effect you, which it does. stop being silly.