Dew Magary neva pickd up dem histery buks, nuh uh
Dew Magary neva pickd up dem histery buks, nuh uh
cAn i fuck my goat on it? Inshallah
you mean the 7-11 down on 11th where i score all my smack?
therapy is for faggots like yourself
wahhhhhhhhh everything is racist!
i dont do safespaces, but love how now its the libs who invented triggered, safespace, saftey pin, etc., are using them as insults now. why dont u get off your buttplug and get back to doing some “productive” shit like protesting to help with your feels
ah so tuscany, nice
fuck that, FA used to be interesting and now it some foo foo shitbird spouting off left-leaning drivel. and for preemptive measure, fuck you
suck my ass cunt
lol literally hitler
fucking dumbass
Beta? I’m sure i could wipe the floor with your “everything is raycess, gimme mah reparations, boo fuckin hoo” ass.
fuck you you ignorant piece of human refuse
One time i was landing in a c130 and we hit a bear. probably rabid. raped the shit out of the ground crew before we lit it on fire with jet fuel and flare guns
To the gawker bots: