Aren’t they a “Personal Injury Law Firm” out in the Valley near Canoga Park?
The important thing is that this is a big car movie that isn’t another fast and furious movie. Was there any big studio car movies between this and Rush? And what was before that? (I’m not including last year’s Drive because nobody knew that existed). It might honestly be Talledega Nights if you can even count that.
I saw this with my fiance. She does not know the car scene very well. It was a good way to see how an enthusiast like me and a regular patron like her thought of the movie. I picked up on certain inconsistencies that she definitely overlooked. Such as Miles ripping down the front straight at Le Mans at 220 MPH. Or the…
This was a terrible mistake by the Ford marketing team. They insisted on writing his name as Miles; and the French hated it. If they had used his initials as Ken wished, km, the French would have accepted him.
My guess is it’s a ferry trip for buses whose trips terminate in midtown but start the next one in Brooklyn and since they have to make the drive anyway, might as well see what suckers will at least cover the gas money.
C&C: Red Alert >>> C&C
Fight me
(I am ridiculously excited for these remasters)
Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.
I love babies. I just can’t eat a whole one.
I'm holding off buying my DBX until they have a smoking package. I need a black silk smoking jacket, a leather cigarette holder, leather covered hookah and leather covered prints of Playboy interviews.
Leave it to Jalopnik to cry out for buttons when their isnt any, and explode when theres too many... w/e
My neighbor came home with a new Traverse, and I totally asked him about the standard 3-row seating and class-leading interior volume.
Did you actually read the first sentence or just the headline?
I’ll take “Fuck Cancer” for $1,000 please.
For real though, great news.