
The vast majority of Jalopnik readers commenters can’t afford a used Stinger GT. FIFY...we have over 10 million readers a month, many of them buy really expensive cars. I know because some these people have hired me to help them get all kinds of nice vehicles. Many of our wealthier readers just don’t comment.

Yep..I’m definitely not going to right now and looking at ATS-Vs. Nope. Definitely not.

What’s the likelihood of finding the victim’s hair, clothes, or ID in that van? 98%? 99%?

Roughly twice as good.

Roughly twice as good.

Is the duo glass better than the solo cup I currently use?

Is the duo glass better than the solo cup I currently use?

And this is different from Tracy’s everyday Jeep start routine how? 

you would do 60 in the passing lane while talking on your cell phone?

“What this means is that ICE agents can use the database in one of two days”

So I saw this really very reasonable and utilitarian title, then saw Torch wrote it. I thought to my self “Self, maybe its a slow news day. Mabe Torch wrote a regular, normal article”.

That’s astonishing..and a bit pornographic.

I saw the new Camry on the road recently and said out loud, “Wow, the new Camry looks sick.”

Still making less steam than a Focus RS!

I’m very excited for the day when our generation is spending six figures on, like, a “third off the line” Honda Prelude SH at auction.

Nothing there I couldn’t find already available in the U.S.....

The flamey sniper one is Smoke and Mirrors. By far my favorite.

Get yourself a good scepter, pop adrenaline and poke them to death. Phylakes really arent a challenge with the right weapon in hand.

AC games have always been my gaming comfort food, and Origins is no different. I am beyond busy right now, but 20 to 40 minutes of this game right before bed is my jam.

Usually you make a deposit after eating at Taco Bell.

Dodge is basically the friend you never want to get into a prank war with because they go full sociopath and forget that the point behind the whole thing was just to have fun.

Notor. High performance notors