
Oh wow, so you’re even worse: you believe it’s a mental disorder. Fuck you, vile worm, fuck you forever.

“He got a gun and he won’t leave.”

Right? This is the nadir: Black people being attacked for being COPS?

You reached for the remote to change what your wife was watching because you didn’t think she should watch it based on her rebuttal? I’d smack ya!

Yup. That was my main takeaway. Good luck everyone defending THAT.

I’d sign that death certificate “with extreme pleasure”

Has her piece of shit stepdad been tried yet? Last you wrote, he had been arrested but not charged with any crime.

“PTSD, Ambian, Xanix, Depression, Economic anxiety”

Right?? I rent a 1200sqft hellhole for 2200 and would murder to buy 803 for under a million.

So? And?

So now we must consider everything we choose to do a job and we must demand compensation for it.

My friend was a surrogate between her own pregnancies. She lived on the west coast and was paid well. After giving birth she mourned the loss of the close relationship she had with the parents, but they stayed in touch and remain friends to this day.

Your arrogance and condescension toward someone literally, actively going through this exact process is impressive, to say the very very least.

Right? My parents raised me to think for and take care of myself, and gave consent when necessary to things I was lawfully too young to understand let alone consent to.

“making children and forcing them to be in your family”

Princeton Mom? Is that you?

The simple “I’m not interested” feels like a lame excuse of someone who is indisposed that very day and wants to go do something else very fast. That’s why I always try again after a certain period of time.

Yes really, yes. If that’s her prerogative she should be clear on the matter, not evasive. “I’m not interested” is very evasive. “I’m not interested IN YOU” is clear, straight and to the point.

Yeah, you’re definitely in the South. What chauvinistic nonsense.

If a guy kept pushing on me just because I didn’t have a ring on my finger he would have a ring around both eyes real quick.