I’d be less inclined to try again if I knew there might be some angry dude on the other end.
I’d be less inclined to try again if I knew there might be some angry dude on the other end.
They should give us a straight answer from start if they want us to stop.
“I’m not interested” means she’s not interested in YOU, YOU are not what she wants, YOU are not welcome to press any further. She does not want to get to know YOU, regardless of how ‘wrong’ you think she is.
People have to understand this thing works both ways, just because the girl already has a boyfriend doesn’t mean she’s “off the market”, or that other people don’t have the right to at least try, you know.
I think you forgot an 'is' after that last plural contraction.
How would he even see what people were saying when he was streaming IRL. He doesn’t have a computer attached to his chest and their was likely stream delay. The clip I saw of him doing his gag did not have him interacting with anyone telling him and having him ignore it.
I have used the bathroom for 30 years now and I have never once seen a single private part in the bathroom. Anyone using that as their argument is stupid. Just to be safe though, I asked 3 other males and they said they have never seen any private areas in any bathrooms either, but one did have someone looking at his…
It reminds me of the time I walked into a woman’s bathroom at Disneyworld because I was so excited. It was a simple mistake and some people got a fright because of it.
Draw me a picture of how transgender folk negatively affect your life beyond triggering your homophobia, you cunt-faced piece of shit.
Ha! Golden Earring’s ‘Twilight Zone’ has always been my pretend stripper song.
Bushy nethers: we can’t see anything! This is problematic and unequal!
Kiss my entire ass, again and again and again. Someone used deadly force against an unarmed aggravator. The fact she was found to be innocent of a crime in the eyes of the law means nothing and is irrational.
How nice that in your mind everyone can just go get medical help without needing to consider whether or not it would bankrupt them.
Keep your Christian Sharia law to yourself and those who voluntarily follow your lifestyle choice aka religion. The rest of us are not bound by your chosen rule book, and you have no right to impose or force us to. That doesn’t make you a better Christan, and it doesn’t make us Christians.
Depends on your definition of ‘sad’ I suppose. My top two:
“Vegan pussy sweat”
the manager needs to stay the fuck away from me while im eating. the only time i want to see them is if i ask for them, and by then it’s already too late for you and them to fix anything.
They don’t deserve my grain harvest AND my first born, just because they provide my housing. Ass-kissing bootlicker.