If they could have, I’d bet those cops would have jumped out of their car and immediately cuffed the lifeless bodies and started shouting at them to stop resisting.
If they could have, I’d bet those cops would have jumped out of their car and immediately cuffed the lifeless bodies and started shouting at them to stop resisting.
m-o-o-n that spells moon
Some guy at the gym: “Hey, anyone in here have a Tesla? It’s raining outside and your windows are down.”
Germans come from the Land of Chocolate.
“...it was estimated that every British adult needed to drink 124 pints of beer to reach pre-COVID business levels...”
Boebert was escorted out of the theater. Which is not the first time Boebert has escorted.
that’s a pretty awesome accomplishment!
I mean, if “provides gender affirming care to trans children in consultation with a doctor” is sufficient evidence of abuse to take people’s children from them and throw them in jail, Cruz probably deserves the death penalty for this.
Audiences will delight as this panther of a movie slinks through the night! Take note, Blake Edwards, this is how you make a sequel after a star has passed. Coogler doesn’t need to resort to deleted scenes to make this kitty purr! Although the missus’ wouldn’t shut up about her confusion of Angela Basset/Shirley…
My parents came to the US from South America in the 70’s. So we were always having family/friends to California for a visit. Part of the touring was always going to see the Queen Mary, retired ship and presently a hotel. It kinda looks like the Titanic when you squint.
Please rewrite this.
We also can’t rule out he was there to see your friend’s mom...
Agreed, ACAB until they are held personally accountable and until the group discourages this kind of shit.
And this, folks, is why we say ACAB.
I’m imagining the training program went something like “We’ve created these avatars to have you blend in with the Na’vi. We spent the time to make working sex organs (and working Na’vi sperm and eggs) so you can play the long game. Date one, start a family, and then when the time is right, kill them all to steal the…
Don’t forget their sex organs are the same thing they use to “bond” with their, err, mounts.
actual working sex organs
Communication is about what people hear, like I’m always telling my kids. I’m better off knowing that “inscrutable” applied to an Asian group or organization is going to sound unfortunate to some people.
You know what I never got in Speed? Why was Jeff Daniels on that raid? He was still walking with a cane after getting shot by Keanu, and suddenly he goes into full SWAT mode?