Wishbone of Arc

Aaah, I love your new icon!! Young James Spader ^_^

This is actually surprising to me, because the women I’ve known with eating disorders or disordered eating have tended to be highly driven perfectionists. They’ve also tended to be from upper middle class and even upper class families, and that provides them with career advantages. I would guess that women with


He is but a Gosling. He must grow to be a Goose.

ahhh, I keep coming back to this page just to stare at him!! halpp, I think I’m pathetic!

baby ... geese, perhaps?

a movie together that Gosling will direct, which I am going to watch the shit out of

How about no parking for schmucks who watch keeping up with the kardashians or click on articles about them, and then shit on those very people whose cultural relevance they’re essentially voting for.

mm, and of course when I say “inappropriate,” I actually mean, “in violation of the 1st amendment’s establishment clause” ... sigh

I’m unaware of the etymology of that term, but I would guess its current popular use is a result of religious beliefs inspired by writings on ensoulment (?), which makes the term seem incredibly inappropriate for use in government documents.

It often feels like everything these ‘pro-life’ phalluses know about abortion was gleaned from The Silent Scream.

•Some like it hot, and/or chartreuse, round, and waist-trained.

A couple comments from Gawker:



yeah! yeah! I get it. Not smart.