Wishbone of Arc

my first thought was — ah, I'm sure those aren't organic apples, don't eat those!


Bud Shaver — the name alone should preclude this phallus from having any political influence. Also, Baldonado . . . anyone else sensing a theme here?

I was surprised as well, though to be fair I went to an obnoxiously competitive (public) high school with a heavy work load, so I was used to being miserably stressed. I almost went to Wellesley, but people I knew who went there weren't happy with it, so eh.

I mean, a ton of people transfer.... If I wasn't going to give it a chance, then I never would have gone.

JujyMonkey commented that his wife is on a Real Housewives show, which I hadn't realized. And Dr. Armond is on Armond of the House :D

I imagine Gene Simmons' memoir being ineffably insufferable.


On Kroll Show, Dr. Armond (a dog plastic surgeon) is best friends with Kelsey Grammer.
It must somehow be a reference to this, right? hah

I idealized women's colleges when I was nearing the end of high school, but then I went to one, and found it to be incredibly tedious. I transferred after a year.

ha, is it bad that I sort of enjoy when musicians criticize other musicians?

I don't know. I'm shy too, but I've asked friends about their first impressions of me before and this has never been the response. Unfortunately I think that's probably because I come of very typically feminine and sweet. bleh.

Pro-life, you mean?
hahaha, ah that's perfect

If I ever get married (not something I plan on) & my husband calls himself Huz and me chick, he will soon find himself being served.

fair enough
it was mainly just a general comment — I have nothing against him



I hope they don't do gay jokes! Anyways calling him a lesbian is really hack by now.

Actually, this movie might end up sort of gross? A gorgeous white American goes to photograph dirt poor non-white people in third world countries, and idk, finds herself in the process or something? Learns about suffering and other cultures and stuff? Then she wins awards (both her character and her as an actual