I didn't call him a troll, I called him a douchebag. (Also, his comment was just dumb, so there's that too.)
I didn't call him a troll, I called him a douchebag. (Also, his comment was just dumb, so there's that too.)
So what.
Barring things like improper service of process, how could this suit be dismissed?
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to Alex Gibney's documentary based on that book coming out at the end of March
Agreed. If she left wouldn't she have to sever ties with her family? I don't really hold it against her? idk
it's not like making appalling choices in one's personal life is a gendered thing
'Here's the thing: one day everyone's going to shut up about it. You'll see! I have a plan.'
Is it bad if I'm sort of pleased that she's a bit of a mess?
What has she ruined? I've not consumed any of her . . . art . . . but from what I understand, she wrote a shit book based on a shit book and made it into a shit movie. It may be shit that people like, but 'tis shit, and shit can't be ruined.
Folks here are critiquing what she said, that's all. No one is saying she shouldn't say something.
They're saying that what she said was indicative of a very common & exclusive white feminist perspective. This is a teaching moment for her, and for other people with exclusive views of feminism and womanhood. This is…
Exactly! That Fashion Police show was so misogynistic. The love for her is confusing.
You should be listening to this conversation rather than taking the reins.
The frustrating thing to me is exactly what you said "there are a lot of commenters for whom race completely blots out any chance of reasonable, feminist dialogue."
heads up, not to be a creep, but I clicked on kattahn's profile, and it's a fucking man
"My point is that it is very, very difficult to get people to jump on board as allies when you pick apart everything they say looking for ways to tell them they did a shitty job trying to help you."
good intention doesn't absolve someone of responsibility for what they say
What she said, as noted by other commenters, is representative of her all too common blinkered view of feminism and even womanhood. It's important to look at this and critique it.
Welp — you should still listen when people are taking issue with something she said.
Always room for enlightenment.
You sound white. Yes? If so, stop saying things and listen to what the women of color on here have to say.