Wishbone of Arc

Ugh, yes. There doesn't really seem to be a specific Jez post suited for bringing up a discussion of NPH's uncomfortable interactions with Oyelowo and Spencer.

One weird thing, for instance, was that joke he had about how bad Annie was. He clearly realized it would be weird/inappropriate, given the whiteness of the

I think the Boyhood theme song lyrics are particularly amusing, given the wider context of gender privilege, and the stories that get told in movies.

This is NPH related, though not NPH-in-underwear related, but I don't know where else to post this.

to be clear, it was "who gave this son of a b*tch a green card"
so, even better.

Agreed. The guy seems really sweet and charming, and that was a brave speech, which he deserves applause for. . . but that screenplay was a bit of a travesty.

could you not, Sarah
the conversation was productive, and this sort of overtime pile on isn't

hey d00td00t, sorry for the late reply
it's from a Mentos commercial :/ (I included it a post above)

2 other people asked too, so I looked it up again, and disappointingly found that it was only from a Mentos commercial
*wa wooh*

Now playing

The spider flipping the man one? Unfortunately it's only from a commercial and not a feature length film:

chiming in late, but this was a satirically insufferable thread to read

In terms of out-of-the-ordinary cuisine, Das Ethiopia in Georgetown is really good.

Hey MonkeyUptown! I'm so delighted someone else knows what I'm talking about.
I saw it when I was like 9, and loved it (though the girl I was having a sleepover with didn't feel the same way. . .) Anywhooo, for whatever reason I forgot about it until something in the Tom Waits Hell Broke Luce music videotriggered my

also the accents on Pawnsylvania are unusually excellent

from a google image search, this actually looks really appealing

going out on a limb here, but did you ever see the movie Something Wicked This Way Comes?

haha, I used to take them out from my elementary school library all the time
I'm really surprised that they would read that to you though! It wasn't even placed with the rest of the kids books in my school library. Suburban parents are extremely uptight

I LOVED the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books!!
there was a really scary one where there was a man (murderer I think?) hiding in the back seat of a woman's car

"Teen and children shows are like Canada's number one cultural export."

yessss are you afraid of the dark :D the candle blow out thing at the beginning of each episode :)
that show was so fucking Canadian!
I remember one where they went in this room and the room suddenly became whatever their greatest fear was, like one person was claustrophobic and the walls closed in on them. Then a
