Wishbone of Arc

It's enraging
also, I feel powerless
like what the fuck are we supposed to do about this?

This one looks cool

Sooooooo Sykes has syphilis, right?
His godly & virginal bride-to-be didn't tell him she had syphilis. They got married. Now he has syphilis.

I read your other post
Why do you hate Zinn?
(sorry, I may be a bit slow)

Whenever I've watched Fox News, all I can see it this:

lol at the idea that my education would have been improved by my parents having a say
lol at the idea that the AP history curriculum is some bastion of liberalism

me to you:

"We're not going like, 'we're the most important things to rap since NWA' .. it's just like, stop it."

I think you're the only other person I've heard say you think it was bad.
It was particularly lousy how they made it seem like the girl character was going to turn out to be the hero. I think people genuinely took it to be a progressive movie, which is disheartening.

my face muscles relaxed out of their "pleaselikemepleaselikemepleaselikeme" rictus

ah *cringe* sorry for the typo. But yeah I agree they're a joke, which are also unfortunately taken seriously, and so they're important :/
There was so much insidious racism, sexism and even classism in this interview.

I imagine this sums up the entire lived experience of a Hipster

"I'm not trying to be disagreeable but the Academy has well over 6,000 voters. Hoping that everyone fills out their ballot with the same level of thoughtfulness, or from the same perspective of film analysis, is a futile one."

"there's really not much else to bring up but whether or not she thinks it holds up as art, as history"
She didn't discuss the historical significance of Selma. That is my point!