Wishbone of Arc

And as far as the accusations about the Academy being racist? Yes, most members are white males, but they are not the cast of Deliverance — they had to get into the Academy to begin with, so they're not cretinous, snaggletoothed hillbillies.

My point is that she said she wasn't going to vote for Selma because she thought it was well-crafted but artless. All she discusses here is its artfulness, and ignores its cultural significance/the significance of a black woman director. Whereas, for other categories she discusses things other than the thing that they

Two quotations:

"When a movie about black people is good, members vote for it. But if the movie isn't that good, am I supposed to vote for it just because it has black people in it?"

thanks :D

funny you should say that — there was actually a script on The Blacklist this year called "I Am Ryan Reynolds" in which a plastic surgeon specializes in making people look identical to Ryan Reynolds. It was shit though (which seems to be a hallmark of Blacklist scripts), so you could still totally write that Franco

oh my goodness!! hehe :D

This is a genius comment

Agreed, and I love your username and pic. :)

I think it's important not to scare away male feminists by mocking them.

You don't say things are "money" in real life, do you?

hahah :D
I feel like the poor lil guy didn't really make it out of 90's consciousness. I never hear the show being reminisced about, even though it was probably the best kids' show.

that last paragraph - phew.
haha, I agree with you. The image is thought-provoking, importantly unsettling, and Kanye is a very significant figure & voice in contemporary culture. The only thing that I would even question would be turning an infant into a public figure. idk...

Don't most parents want to put their babies in bubbles to protect them? 'Ye just took it a step further.

It sort of reminds me of that scene in Bruno, where Bruno is asking whether the parents are okay with putting their baby up on a cross for a fashion shoot.

Art is supposed to be provocative. This is certainly provocative. Using an infant to do that is. . . questionable.
But just in terms of the bulletproof vest as fashion, I think it's very interesting.

At first I thought the plus-size photoshopping was interesting. These women's bodies are manipulated all the time to be smaller, why not invert that. Beauty is relative and maybe if we start seeing more glamorous images of plus-size people we could reduce body-related shame and eating disorders etc.
BUT then I read

To be fair, I think he was just transcribing his tear-off calendar.