
yes it does

its not the hydrogen thats heavy its the massive tanks that hold the hydrogen that are heavy. and we have lots of 600hp electric cars out there weighing the same and having the same range as this hydrogen powered snail

i think its by far the prettiest car under $100k and im happy it will have things like hydraulic steering, mid engine, and relatively light weight.  they design is gorgeous inside and out

Hydrogen combustion is pointless because its so inefficient. A Lithium Ion battery is 95% efficient, a fuel cell is 60% efficient, and hydrogen combustion is 20% efficient. The Toyota Mirai has 350-400 miles of range as a fuel cell with its massive hydrogen tanks. It weighs 5000lbs and has 185hp.  If you had a 185hp

I think they can look amazing with racing stripes too though this is just a bad photoshop

yeah to me as long as its metallic it looks amazing.  while the grey is understated i think it also looks amazing

oh yes it is. seen an image of one with bronze wheels and it looks amazing

The lowest priced used 718 spyder in the whole US is $134k. and they range up to $180k used

this was my vote too

yeah to me douche is driving a giant SUV. but whatever you do with this car you have to get a metallic paint. white and flat colors just do not show off its curves

also color plays a large part in the Douche factor. So with my Lotus Emira suggestion go with something subtle like this grey

love these but sadly they have only gone up in price. I dont think you can even get a 2016 for $125k now

if i had $100k to spend on a car id absolutely wait and get a Lotus Emira

we already do but thats a flat tax and it disproportionately impacts those who are poor. In stead it should be a progressive tax geared and having less of these cars purcahsed new by wealthy who arent impacted by the tax and it keeps less of these gas guzzlers on the road as used cars in the future. Gas going up 10%

yes but they should charge an additional fee and use that fee to help offset the environmental damage

I heard of someone in our highschool that was pulling onto the highway and the instructor said “punch it!” so she shifted to P

bummer i was looking forward to that odd looking van

yes consumers using more gas does affect fuel consumption. shocking i know

sports cars with high power dont get driven as much but large SUVs go on road trips all the time but are mostly used for commuting and pretending that someday theyll buy a boat and have two more kids and will be glad they have the behemoth then.

those who buy gas guzzlers have more income and the taxes impact them less but their excessive use of fuel impacts others and the environment